Progress Pond

Why Democrats in Congress Need a Spine

Promoted by Steven D.

A wise 20th century political philospher said that human beings bear their citizenship in their particular society as a condition of actualizing their humanity.  Keep that in mind as you read further.  

Booman’s diary on Seymour Hersh’s outstanding article led me to this short one.  While reading Hersh’s New Yorker article, I only got to this comment by General Taguba:

“The whole idea that Rumsfeld projects–`We’re here to protect the nation from terrorism’–is an oxymoron,” Taguba said. “He and his aides have abused their offices and have no idea of the values and high standards that are expected of them. And they’ve dragged a lot of officers with them.”

before I had to stop and write this.

Taguba’s statement is the definitive description of the Bush adminstration.  Bush was going nowhere prior to the attacks of 9/11, he gleefully used those attacks to deceitfully redefine himself with the collusion of non-thinking members of Congress, the press and the public (except for a lot of us writing in the frog pond….go back and read the diaries), he used those attacks to settle a personal score with a fellow dictator, and he wrapped it all up in a pathetic patina of patriotism.  Bush, Rumsfeld, Cheney, Rice, Gonzales, Wolfowitz, Pace, Powell, Rove, (believe me the fucking list is endless) have so dishonored our country that America is now referred to in other countries in words that we ourselves used to describe the Nazis in the 1940s.  Thanks George, you recidivistic drunken drug addict.  And thanks corporate media for being the handmaidens of fascism.

So, why is it that our Democratic leaders in Congress can’t bring themselves to refer to this adminstration in the harshest of all possible words to condemn their lying, their corruption and their depravity?  Why is it that our Democratic leaders in Congress can’t bring themselves to do all they can to block, impede, and derail every single effort of this fascistic, liberty stealing adminstration?  I can only refer them to a fine movie, Misissippi Burning in which Gene Hackman and Willem Dafoe portray FBI agents trying to solve the murder of three civil rights workers.  During a confrontation between the two of them about how to proceed with the investigation, the Hackman character says “These people crawled out of the sewer” and that is where they will have to be fought.  How apropo to Bush and his cronies:  these people have crawled out of the sewer, they have dragged our country and our honor down into the sewer, and have sullied the honor of true patriots like General Taguba, Joe and Valerie Wilson, Richard Clark, Cindy Sheehan, (this list is endless as well).

It’s time for Congress to send these denizens of the sewer back home.  Impeach Cheney Bush Gonzales and 5/9ths of the Supreme Court.  If the Founders didn’t mean this remedy to be used for precisely this kind of attack on our Constitution, our nation’s honor, and our civic liberty, then they simply didn’t mean it at all.  

Congress, it’s time to get us the fuck out of the sewer.  Do something, or God willing, the citizens of this nation will do something in 2008 to eliminate those who go along to get along, who however reluctantly allow their honor to be filthyfied (sorry I couldn’t find a better real word) by Bush or by their own Presidential aspirations.  

Leaders lead.  Leaders define a moral vision for a country, a business, a homeowners association.  It doesn’t matter what the group is, leaders lead.  It means they’re out in front, they’ll upset people who are afraid or benefitting from the status quo.  But leaders have the fortitude to lead and compel us to follow because their vision is, well, compelling.  So Pelosi, fucking lead dammit.  

And I think you’ll have to do it yourself.  Cuz Harry ain’t up to it.  Are Clinton? Obama? Don’t know about them right now.  But I do know that Pelosi could be the moral leader of our sick country right now if she could only find the balls that many of her colleagues seem to have misplaced.

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