We may have gotten to the point where the president is so unpopular that the people automatically adopt positions opposed to whatever he says. Take stem-cell research:

President Bush’s pending veto of stem cell research legislation comes at a time when public support for such research is at an all-time high.

Most Americans long have backed stem cell research — 58 percent or more in ABC News/Washington Post polls since 2001. That’s peaked, at 68 percent support, in the latest ABC/Post poll to measure views on the issue, in April.

Pretty soon, this crap won’t even play with Bush’s base.

While 80 percent of Democrats and 70 percent of independents support stem cell research overall, that falls to 49 percent of Republicans. Similarly, more than three-quarters of liberals and moderates alike support stem cell research, compared with 47 percent of conservatives.

I think we need one more vote in the Senate to override Bush’s veto.