Senator and Presidential candidate Chris Dodd thinks it’s a waste of time for Congress to impeach Dick Cheney for all his criminal activities. Here’s what he told a Rochester, NH audience yesterday about the subject of impeachment:
“There are too many other issues out there the American public were hoping Democrats would decide to address and focus on. That’s the choice you make. Others may make a different focus. My choice would be to focus on other agenda items,” he said.
The crowd did not erupt into applause as it did after many of the other things the longtime Democratic U.S. senator from Connecticut had to say.
Dear Senator Dodd, let me explain something to you. The people want Cheney impeached. The more we learn about his involvement in fixing the Iraq intelligence, in promoting torture and illegal wiretapping, in outing a covert CIA agent thus jeopardizing a CIA program to limit the proliferation of nuclear weapons to countries like Iran, the more we want his head on a plate. He’s a very dangerous threat to our freedoms, our democracy and the peace of the world. He’s responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands in Iraq, and if he gets his way, Bush will attack Iran with “tactical” nuclear weapons. Does that sound like the kind of man we should allow to remain as our Vice President, and unofficial Rasputin of the Bush administration?
And what exactly is Congress going to accomplish with Bush vetoing every Democratic initiative, anyway? There is nothing — repeat, nothing — more important than exposing the lies, deceits and unconstitutional crimes against the American people that Cheney and Bush have committed, and calling these two miscreants to account for their crimes. Impeachment isn’t something we can ignore at this point, or a lesser priority than other matters. It’s a necessity.
We are living during an ongoing constitutional crisis that only the impeachment of Bush and Cheney can resolve. Because Cheney would succeed Bush, obviously he must be impeached first. The failure to do so now, in the face of such clear crimes and misdeeds by both men, sets a bad precedent for future Presidents to exploit, significantly weakens the authority of the Congress, and denies the American people the justice they deserve for all the lies told, rights violated and deaths caused by the policies of our President and Vice President.
There is nothing more important you as a Senator could do than impeach Vice President Dick Cheney, unless it would be the simultaneous impeachment of his sockpuppet, President Bush. That you and other Democratic Leaders fail, or deliberately refuse, to see this truth, speaks volumes about both your priorities and your individual characters. Craven is not a word I use lightly, but it describes the inaction and passivity of Congress regarding this constitutional crisis, and especially of Democratic Leaders such as yourself, perfectly.
Prove me wrong, Senator. Listen to the people. They know better than you do what our country needs right now to right the ship of state.
Sally Quinne (gasp!) agrees with you.
not sure how an ‘e’ sneaked in there, but a surprise none the less.
I guess the tide has turned. I wonder if all this recent Cheney bashing in the media is part of a Rove operation to rid Bush of his meddlesome Vice president.
Although replacing Cheney with Fred Thompson is a non-starter.
You are dead right! This has gone on long enough. How many times have we heard the rethugs say, when Democrats discuss timetables for withdrawal and cutting off funding for the war, “What kind of message does that send…?”
Well, tell me, Sen. Dodd, and the vast majority of the Democrats in Congress, what kind of motherfucking message does it send when you say it is okay for the vice president to violate the law and there is no consequence for it?
Either our laws and our constitution mean something very important or they are merely words on some old, yellow paper that should be used to line bird cages. You seem to think it’s the latter. And you want to be president?
If Dodd was smart he’d be calling for impeachment right now. It’s his best chance to gain credibility among party activists in NH and Iowa. He supports a carbon tax, universal health care, a federally funded alternative energy program and our immediate withdrawal from Iraq. But if he paid attention, the crowd which cheered him on all those other issues stayed silent when he refused to support impeachment.
Chris, it’s not just the right thing to do, it’s also good politics!
As fun as it is to see Sally Quinn say the GOP has a plan to oust Cheney, it just isn’t going to happen.
The GOP will continue to march in lockstep, despite anything they say to the contrary. Recent history is a great example, from the GOP filibuster to save Gonzalez to Specter’s about-face vote for the Military Commissions Act of 2006. Even Lugar’s speechifying is nonsense: where the fuck was he a couple of months ago? they said he was working on this speech for months, so it’s clear he lost faith before then.
And as for the Democrats? They’re not gonna do shit that has any meaningful consequences. Just like the supplemental vote and the ridiculous “no confidence” stunt, they’ll tie themselves in knots to make themselves appear to be addressing the problem, without actually DOING anything.
In US politics, appearances matter: actions rarely do.
This is really the sticking point for the Democrats, in my opinion. Even if the Dems had complete consensus and could hold together the entire block of their own party there is still the numbers issue. If you can’t peel away the Republicans and convince them to do anything more than occasionally bluster, blow and pontificate while just nibbling at the edges of dissent and disagreement with the administration, all the while not actually doing anything, then they can accomplish very little.
As bad as I hate to say it, I think any impeachment effort would be just what the Republicans need to wind up the Mighty Wurlitzer and distract from the exposure of the more general and widespread corruption that is leeching daily from this administration. Call it “slow bleed” if you want, but the Republican balloon is, little by little, slowly deflating. I think impeachment efforts may well be more of a hindrance than a help. I know argument can be made that there is a moral imperative and we need stand on the principal that no one is above the law. I would like nothing more than for Bush and Cheney to stand convicted before this country’s electorate. I’m just not sure, in the end, that a cost-benefit analysis of impeachment would work for the Dems at this time.
First off, what “the people” want should not be Chris Dodd’s concern. He wasn’t elected by “the people”. He was elected by Democrats.
Having narrowed our scope down to the people who matter, how many Democrats don’t want Bush and Cheney impeached? (I’m talking about real-world Democrats here, not Beltway pundits and the management at dKos.) Seriously, when was the last time you ran into a Democrat who said, “I would be really disappointed in our elected representatives if they wasted the country’s time impeaching Bush and Cheney”?
Bueller? Bueller? Anyone?
I think the main debate among partisan Democrats is not whether Bush and Cheney should be impeached, but whether they should be tried here at home where they’ll be eligible for the death penalty, or transferred to the Hague, where the worst they’ll get is life imprisonment. But impeachment? I think we’re pretty much in favor of it.
The other thing that is missed by these people is that no one ever said that the impeachment process has to be completed, after all, Nixon wasn’t impeached either. He resigned.
It just needs to be started, and that’s enough to deliver the message.
That depends on whom the message is being delivered to. For the people, yes, just starting the process is enough. Bush, however, doesn’t give a rat’s ass what the people think; he’s on a mission from God.
Nixon got rehabilitated by the rightwing, who thought that he was impeached for partisan political reasons and who nurtured a grudge. That grudge played out in the Clinton impeachment.
Had impeachment been followed, most of Nixon’s staff would have also been impeached, saving us from Rumsfeld and Cheney and Buchanan and …
This time impeachment must end in conviction; otherwise it will lose its power as a deterrent. It will become a meaningless partisan action that was unsuccessfully used on Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton.
(1) Impeach Addington
(2) Impeach Matalin and Peorino and Snow and Fleischer and McClelland
(3) Impeach Libby
(4) Impeach Bolten and Bolton
(5) Impeach Doan
(6) Impeach Rove
(7) Impeach McNulty
(8) Impeach Goodling
(9) Impeach Stewart
(10) Impeach Gonzales
(11) Then impeach Cheney
(12) Impeach Thomas
(13) Impeach Scalia
(14) Impeach Kennedy
(15) Then impeach Bush
(16) Then impeach all of the Bush-Cheney-to-be’s and the Baby Elephants who fucked up in Iraq
Dodd is right; there are other agenda items. So many impeachments; so little time.
Impeaching Cheney andd Bush for the damage they have inflicted upon our Constitution is a moral imperative. It is precisely for their high crimes that impeachment was written into our Constitution.
I posted this on under blog comments on Dodd’s website.
Dodd talks about leadership. Leaders LEAD.
I will not support or vote for anybody who advocates against the impeachment of Cheney, Bush, Gonzales, or any other high official who has so completely and absolutely abused the Constitution and the Public trust that impeachment is the only possible answer. There is so much evidence of illegal and unconstitutional behavior that Congress is delinquent if it does not act.
Is Dodd afraid of Cheney? The biggest bully must be taken out first. Otherwise we are not a nation of laws, but a nation ruled by thugs and megalomaniacs.
Wringing hands over the loss of basic centuries old rights or the overturning of established laws by fanatical Justices or the dismissal of treaty obligations isn’t enough. If Dodd truly wants to restore our Constitutional form of government and repair America’s standing in this world, he will lead on the issue of impeachment. The sooner the Augean Stable is cleaned out, and the beasts put to pasture, the sooner restoration can begin.
Government is not a gentlemen’s club. It isn’t a game, either.
At what point do we accept life under a dictatorship? Congress has a duty to act. Dodd as a Congressman has a duty to act.
We are at a decisive moment.