The building in question? Wherever the Iraq Parliament meets (via Iraqslogger):
Yesterday, the main Sunni bloc – the Iraq Accord Front (IAF), joined the Sadrists in suspending its participation in the government. The IAF deputies had also decided to boycott the activities of the parliament last week.
The immediate reason behind the IAF decision was the prosecution of Sunni Minister As’ad al-Hashimi, who is being investigated for alleged links to murders and assassinations. But the withdrawal of the six Sunni ministers from the cabinet comes as a culmination of months of distrust and mutual threats between the Maliki administration and the Sunni coalition.
Several Iraqi and Arab news outlets saw the IAF decision as putting the legitimacy of the Maliki government in serious doubt now that –the already meager- Sunni role in the Iraqi government has been further curtailed.
Let’s check our scorecards, shall we? The Iraq Army? Given a big incomplete by US Generals. Turks and Kurds? Still on the brink of all out war. Mosques bombed or otherwise attacked this past month? Shi’ite mosques — at least 2, Sunni mosques — at least 17. Sheiks helping US forces killed in June? Six. US forces killed in June (not counting mercenaries security contractors)? 99. And now the apparent legitimacy of the “sovereign” Iraq government? Less than zero.
Viva La Surge!
begets a government of doubtful legitimacy. What a surprise.
But might makes right, damnit!!
So much for political solutions, eh?
But we’re making good progress.