The Editors make a good point.
Bush, on overturning the deeply-held philosophy with which he presided over 152 executions in Texas:
I don’t believe my role [as governor] is to replace the verdict of a jury with my own, unless there are new facts or evidence of which a jury was unaware, or evidence that the trial was somehow unfair.
The decision to replace the verdict of the jury in the Scooter Libby case certainly flies in the face of Bush’s stated philosophy here. But it is hardly surprising. Judith Miller spent from July 7 to September 29, 2005 in prison to protect Libby. And Scooter Libby will not have to spend a day behind bars.
To be honest, Libby knew all along that he could lie to the FBI, the Justice Department, and a grand jury with impunity. He acted accordingly.
Idiots like Joseph DiGenova keep insisting that Libby wasn’t the first person to leak Valerie Wilson’s profession. It doesn’t matter whether he was first. All that matters is whether he leaked her profession while being aware that she was covert. That was a hard case to prove and it was made more difficult by Libby’s obstruction of justice.
Patrick Fitzgerald decided that 30 months in prison was a decent punishment for the underlying crime, so he didn’t charge the underlying crime. I don’t know why he didn’t charge Karl Rove and Richard Armitage. My impression is that Armitage didn’t realize that Ms. Wilson was covert, that he was contrite, and he cooperated with the investigation. I think Karl Rove corrected lies he made to the grand jury and showed some private contrition. I suspect Fitzgerald felt like that was sufficient to let him off of perjury charges. He probably couldn’t prove Rove’s state of mind on whether he knew Ms. Wilson was covert. So Rove walked.
Libby was different. Fitz had Libby discussing Wilson’s status with David Addington and telling Ari Fleischer that the information was ‘hush-hush and on the Q-T.” Clearly he knew Ms. Wilson’s job and that he would be ruining her career if he revealed where she worked. And he never would have done something like that without the permission and even direction of the vice-president.
The commutation of Libby’s sentence is really plain and simple obstruction of justice. It’s the finalization of a quid pro quo. The President has a right to pardon people and commute their sentences, but Congress has a right to impeach the President and vice-president if they believe they’ve used their constitutional powers to cover up their own crimes. It will be difficult to prove that there was a quid pro quo, but the country already believes it. And that is the most important part of any impeachment case…convincing the public that the administration has made gross violations of law.
First of all, excuse me for the following ‘INCIVILITY.”
….welcome to Amerikkan justice, Bush style. Paris Hilton got a tougher sentence than Scooter Libby. When the Clenis lied to the grand jury about a fucking blowjob, the GOD’S OWN PARTY insists that he be removed from office. It’s ok if you are a rich white Republican. LAW AND ORDER, MY PALE SKINNY ASS.
I just love how cavalier he was with the lives of poor and mentally challenged folks who couldn’t afford millions for an attorney when he was governor (and didn’t Gonzo help him “review” those cases?)…while gawd forbid scooter-pie spend even a night in jail.
I hate these fuc*ers.
John Dean is on…Shuster was before him.
Where do we go from here? – Keith
If Fitz wants to pursue this, he’d better get on it now. Bush couldn’t claim executive privilege without digging himself in a bigger hole. – Dean
Thing is, does Fitz see anything salvageable about this whole thing?
Joe Wilson on next. He’s going to spit sparks, no doubt.
Fitz is really interesting. He made my blood run cold when I heard him on a panel justifying the Patriot Act. If he is really a law and order freak, he’s got to be steaming and may decide to go further into this matter. There is also the possibilty he forsaw this result and was okay with it.
There is also the possibilty he forsaw this result and was okay with it.
He may not be.
Remember, he was on the Rove shitlist to get canned, and probably went along to get along and save his job.
Yeah. I just don’t know. He seemed to be a zealot, but I wasn’t sure if it was a law and order one or a neocon one.
His statement which Booman posted above points to the former.
This is my email to the Speaker of the House:
Speaker Pelosi,
The commutation of former White House aide I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby for obstruction of justice reflects a total disregard of our justice system. The President’s actions are simply deflect the actions of the current administration who used their positions of power for political gain. The recent action by the President expands the cloud of doubt regarding the Valerie Plame outage and no one living outside the Washington “inner circle” would even have gain audience, much less, the attention if they were charged with similar crimes.
A jury of his peers found former White House aide I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby guilty. That can not ever be removed form the records. It is time for the Congress to stand up and stop this miscarriage of justice. It is time for you, as Speaker of the House, to firmly and strongly stand and confront the President in clear and unclouded terms. It is your responsibility and we expect you to uphold your responsibility not run away from it.
As a Scoutmaster, I recite the Scout Law with my Scouts each week and the first portion of the Scout is “trustworthy.” It is clear that trustworthy only applies to ordinary citizens, not whose who are in the President’s administration. I strongly encourage you to bring impeachment back onto the table to allow the American citizens to finally see what has been going on during the Bush presidency.
Please feel free to contact me for further discussion and clarification that you and your office would need to establish the information needed to move forward on this situation.
Thank you for your time and consideration of my comments.
Very Respectfully,
are, for all intents and purposes, what the congress…ie: the house….decides they are…ergo: the blue dress and the definition of is come to mind.
there is no shortage of impeachable offenses available to speaker pelosi to choose from, what is lacking is the political will to challenge this corrupt administration, and it’s enablers.
show me what you’re made of pelosi…..otherwise, shut the fuck up….actions speak louder than words.
If Congress lets this stand, the hope has left the building.
Hope has left the building, keepinoin.
Bet on it.
This sytem is through.
Seems to me Bush has irretrievably painted the Congressional Dems into a corner. He has misused the Constitution to keep a convicted felon out of jail, a felon who just happened to be a prime political ally and hatchet man. No jury would believe that the Libby crimes were not pre-pardoned even before they were committed. No sane American can believe any longer that there is such a thing as Equal Justice Under Law while Bush and Cheney remain in the White House.
The Dems have one last chance to keep faith with this nation and its people and rid it of a criminal regime. To fail to impeach Bush and Cheney is to fail the last hope for a restoration of American democracy. It really is that stark and final a choice. Congress has the power now to do its sworn duty. This has now come down to a case of Use It Or Lose It. Bush has left no further room for maneuvering or compromising or negotiating. Congress has only one honorable course: impeachment of Bush and Cheney. Nothing else they do really much matters or excuses their inaction.
“The President has a right to pardon people and commute their sentences, but Congress has a right to impeach the President and vice-president if they believe they’ve used their constitutional powers to cover up their own crimes.”
Still supporting the Dems, Booman?
What are you going to do when they do nothing? Nothing substantive. Just bitch and moan, as usual. Bitch and moan and plan for the glorious DemRat future in 2008.
Last one to leave, turn out the lights.
It’s gonna be a long, cold night.
sure. take it out on me. it’s my fault.
It is NOT your fault.
You…like literally millions of other well-meaning people…have trusted our system to right itself, trusted “the opposition” to really oppose.
It is THEIR fault.
The fault of the rich, of the powerful, of the greedy and the self-exalted.
OUR fault is only that we have good hearts and have trusted.
Trusted for too long now, Booman.
WAY too long.
Over and over again you say “Impeach!!!” I have watched you here. While simultaneously working for local Dem candidates. Who, if they are VERY good boys and girls, may grow up to be Nancy Pelosi. And NOT impeach. Take NO chances. Win at all costs, including the cost of losing. The Baltimore political scene is not that different from the Philadelphia one, after all. Just a little bit closer to the Mason Dixon line.
And so the major left blogs cave in once again. Bet on it.
“Well…maybe the pros are right. Maybe it’s time to just wait it out.” I can hear it coming.
Well…they are WRONG.
Big time wrong.
And we are all going to pay for it.
Pay with another bad Supreme Court justice or two. Bad justices being the real reason why Bush thinks that he can get away with this. With EVERYTHING. Because the pros know that the court will rule for the rulers, push comes to shove.
Pay with more economic imperialism. And more failures in that direction, because them injuns got repeating rifles now and will not stand for our shit anymore.
It is time for REAL resistance, Booman.
We all have to stand up soon, or we will all lie down for the rest of our lives. And our childrens’ lives as well.
I used to try to get people to take part in a Newstrike.
Welll…I’ve got ANOTHER one for ya.
Probably an even MORE quioxtic idea than a Newstrike.
But…I have to keep telling the truth, no matter HOW addicted people may be to what is.
You are not going to get your impeachment, Booman.
But you CAN get your revenge.
By helping to cripple BOTH false parties.
Start calling a spade a spade, Boo.
It’s time.
They are all in this together.
The are the cons, and we are the marks.
STOP being a Democrat.
They’re not.
Aside from the rather jarring experience of being lectured on the bankruptcy of the modern Democratic party by a wholehearted supporter of Hillary Clinton, it’s also startling to see you have no eyes for the game the Dems have been playing.
It’s true that the Dems could and perhaps should have come into power with a firm determination to impeach Bush and Cheney and to end the war by any means necessary.
However, whatever the sentiments of a part of the caucus, they did not have anything like internal unanimity on such a strategy. Perhaps more than anything else, there is no stomach for a repeat of the Clinton impeachment process which ended with an acquittal. Therefore, the appropriate strategy is to try to peel Republicans away from Bush and Cheney by consistently increasing the cost of being seen as a supporter of their policies and behavior.
This is naturally deeply unsatisfactory to the Democratic base, which is already convinced that the case for impeachment has been made. But that is not the point. Pelosi awkwardly expressed this when she said the ‘constitution is worth it if you win’. Of course, many people howled at such cynicism and apparent appeasement. But that is where the caucus is. They would welcome defecting Republicans with open arms and impeach and convict the administration tomorrow, if those Republicans would simply emerge. But they are strangely resistant to the normal political instinct of self-preservation. Say what you want about the GOP but they are much more willing to take difficult votes than the Dems seem to be.
In any case, the strategy is to peel Republicans away. And as part of that strategy, it is important that Pelosi not be seen as pursuing impeachment. It is more effective for her to say that the Republicans will be wiped out in the 2008 election…which does appear likely. Republicans are not likely to follow Pelosi’s agenda, but they do worry about their careers.
The Libby commutation is actually not harmful to Bush. The GOP caucus would have been appalled to see Libby go to prison while Cheney goes on with life as usual. Bush had to commute the sentence to preserve any credibility. Sure, it’s an admission of guilt, but that hardly matters to the GOP caucus.
Finally, until a third-party can win proportional representation in federal elections, I can’t see the point of voting for them. It’s not any more complicated than that.
while sitting in kleptocratic state with his criminal equal…superior in talent, but still coming in second in terms of pure power…Mr. Vladimir “I can kill with my bare hands” Putin. At one time a working spy in the nasty, murderous underworld of East Germany before the Iron Curtain rusted through.
Mr. Putin’s enemies get plutonium poisoning.
Mr. Bush’s? Media poisoning.
Mr. Putin’s die, and so do their assassins.
Mr. Bush’s?
They recover. So that they can bring civil suit.
And the media assassins get commuted sentences.
The United Staes of America.
Back in the USSR.
A kinder, gentler USSR.
Bet on it.
Weaker, too.
Putin will put Butch on his ass.
Howard Dean called it giving Libby a “get out of jail free” card.