While we have all been talking about how George Bush, Dick Cheney, and the Patriot Act are threats to our freedom, our brothers in Australia have decided to create laws that single out an entire race of people. It seems that the people down under think that the solution to their epidemic of Aboriginal alcoholism, sex abuse, and teen prostitution is to make pornography and alcohol illegal. Wouldn’t the solution to this problem be to help these people? I don’t know about you, but I sure am glad we don’t live in a country that would allow things like this to happen:
No, you don’t know about me.
I’m not going to stand up and cheer for violent, abusive pornography that demeans women, views us as assemblies of soulless body parts, and heaps scorn and degradation on love, intimacy, and tenderness. I have no immediate plans to celebrate the second class citizenship of women that stretches out into our future because no one can simultaneously consume pornography and see women as the equals of men.
But I forgot: the right to whack off to an endless supply of fresh new bodies subjected to new and more exciting abuse trumps the right of women everywhere to simple humanity. Erections are SO important. What was I thinking.
I’m only guessing here, but I would assume that it is the narrow application of these restrictions to which the diarist is objecting and not the restrictions themselves.
It’s kind of like burning the flag – I wouldn’t do it, don’t like it, and would get angry if I saw it – but I’m glad I live in a country where I’m free to do it. More importantly, it just seems to be ridiculous that a civilized nation such as Australia would be able to make laws that only apply to a certain race of people.