Progress Pond

Another Sunday Morning

It’s just another mad, mad, mad Sunday morning; and there are just too many Bush scandals going on to focus on one. The overlap is mind-numbing. There’s USAttorneyGate, NSAWiretapGate, ScooterGate, CheneygGate, BFEEGate. Wait, what’s that last one? BFEE? I know I’ve seen that before, on one or more of the satire sites. It stands for “Bush Family Evil Empire”. But unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to be part of the general language when referring to the Bushs. And it should be at the top of the list, because it includes all of the others. Think about it a moment.

Going back at least a couple of generations to Prescott Bush, D’s grandfather, we had a man helping finance the building of Hitler’s war machine. The banker become senator who could/should have been tried for war crimes, but instead build the family fortune that enabled future Bushs to commit war crimes.

Then there’s George H. W. Bush, D’s father, affect-ionately known as “Poppy”. Among other things, he taught young George a very important lesson in how to survive. “Cover your ass” at all times. He, of course, did it by pardoning Casper Weinberger and Elliot Abrams of Iran-Contra infamy.

And, George, well, he’s just being a Bush

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