It was a good day for the New York Times. They finally came out forcefully for a withdrawal from Iraq and their public editor exposed their sloppy reporting on Al Qeada in Iraq. It’s not often that the press throws a wet towel over the distortions of the Bush administration. The Times gave them the full treatment today.
It’s another sign of a cratering presidency.
Kudos to the Times, though long overdue. Now how about an acknowledgment of their witholding of the NSA domestic spying story?
yep…..frank rich really went after chimpy today too:
A Profile in Cowardice repost via truthout, sans firewall.
so when do we begin to draft Articles of Impeachment for two-fer? We have 18 months. Time ‘s a wasting.
We have this article in the Denver Post by U S Attorney John S. Koppel “Bush justice is a national disgrace” (H/T: Laura Rozen)
the DOJ is collapsing under the weight of Abu Gonzales and BushCo™ and the corruption inherent in it’s activities. it is no longer a watchdog over the rights of citizens, but has now become a lap-dog of the administration….existing solely for the political purposes, and pleasure, of the executive branch.
this is an interesting statement, in light of the fact that the constitution, in article ll, sec 4 specifically states:
note the word shall…legalese for must….no choice, no call, it is a demand, no if’s, ands, maybe’s or keep the powder dry buts allowed.
perhaps ms pelosi, the D caucus, as well as mr reid and the senate, should consider their responsibility to the constitution and the rule of law and get on with it.
l won’t be holding my breath.
Far from being a “permanent partisan war”, this is the normal state of affairs in a parliamentary democracy, a system most of the rest of the democratic world uses, and one we might be well-advised to adopt ourselves. If there has been one consistent theme in American democracy, it is the continuous growth of executive power, beginning with the rather weak executive envisioned by the Founders and ending up with actual tyranny in the reign of George II.
It’s high time we made some major readjustments to our system of government, not the least of which would being subordinating the executive branch to the legislature, the way the Founders plainly intended. Reduce the president to an actual executive, executing the laws enacted by Congress. In a democracy, a strong leader only gets in the way of democracy itself. The whole strong leader meme, in fact, ought to be left behind in the dustbin of history along with the autocratic and fascist ideologies from which it springs. In a democracy, elected officials are not leaders; they are servants. And it’s about goddamn time we reminded them of who’s boss.
I know it won’t, can’t, and has been deemed by the secret world government itself that the American fallacy of Al-CIA-duh must continue until all vestiges of the “American” government are gone but I really tire of this bullshit media telling us all that the evil Muslims are behind all of the world’s problems. I know we have a retarded, corrupt Soviet style government but would all of this energy not be better put to use solving the very real economic and enviornmental problems the world faces?
The NYT has a long way to go to regain my confidence.