This is legislation to address the problems with overuse of military contractors. I have not read it, so can offer no opinion. I just thought the Pond would like to know that our Senators are on the case as it were.
A bill to improve Federal contracting and procurement by eliminating fraud and abuse and improving competition in contracting and procurement and by enhancing administration of Federal contracting personnel, and for other purposes.

Sponsor: Sen Dorgan, Cosponsors:Sen Bayh, Sen Bingaman, Sen Boxer, Sen Brown, Sen Clinton, Sen Conrad, Sen Durbin, Sen Feingold, Sen Feinstein,
Sen Harkin, Sen Kennedy, Sen Kerry, Sen Landrieu, Sen Lautenberg, Sen Leahy, Sen Menendez, Sen Mikulski, Sen Nelson, Sen Obama, Sen Pryor,
Sen Reid, Sen Wyden

Latest Major Action: 2/15/2007 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Read twice and referred to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs.