I guess it is true that money makes the world go round, or at least it gets you a place in American politics.  HRC, the largest gay organization in the U.S., is hosting a candidate’s forum for the Democratic presidential candidates.  The only catch is the forum is limited to those candidates deemed viable by HRC, meaning the top three contenders.  In an email I received from Dana Campbell at HRC explaining that due to time restrictions at LOGO they needed to formulate a strategy to limit the exposure to the “most viable candidates.”  And they have determined that the most viable campaigns are those with money.  What happened to ideas, debate, and exposing candidates to the people so that we may decide who to support?  We are seven months away from the start of caucuses and primaries and HRC is already limiting our options because of viability.  Come on, didn’t we learn anything in 2004?  Howard Dean had all the money in the world and we chose John Kerry because of his viability.  How did that work out for us?  Also, if it truly is about limited time, as HRC says, than how have all the other debates thus far manage to include all candidates?
Haven’t we learned by now that even the non-viable candidates, as people like to think of them, have an impact on campaigns?  They often bring issues to the table that are left un-touched or are avoided by mainstream politicians.  We have excluded our most ardent supporters because of perceived viability.  What if the gay community knew there were candidates out there who support them whole-heartedly because we are equal under the law, not just for the vast financial resources we have?  Might these non-viable candidate’s finances change?  We will never know because HRC is focused on viability and not ideas.  That is a sad state of affairs for our country and for a community itself that is excluded from mainstream society.

I encourage anyone who believes that democracy should be inclusive, about ideas and debate, not just a political system guided by money, than contact HRC.  Tell them you want to here from all candidates, not just those deemed viable because of their vast campaign fortunes.


t. 202-216-1500