Let’s see. The Iraqi prime minister says that we can leave his country any time we like and he’s down with that. Meanwhile, what passes for the Iraqi parliament is going on a month long vacation and Tony Snow says he’s down with that. Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi are going to let Congress take a month long vacation in August, too, and the Republicans are down with that. And Bush and Cheney are definitely going to take a month long break of quail-hunting and brush clearing, and the press is down with that.
Are you down with that?
Gordon Brown won’t be any kind of dog for Bush’s tricks, he is down with that. Early polls after Blair left office, has seen a sharp increase for Labor support, he’s down with that! Excellent BBC documentary on the Blair Years, can only find AC’s link, I’m down with that.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Congress will vacation while men and women die in Iraq. I’m not down with that.
Here’s what I’m down with.
Down with Bush.
Down with Cheney.
Down with Bush’s pet dog Maliki.
are they down with all these plans?
If I were one of them, I’d wanna join the rest of the gang and take off the month of August.
Senator Webb beat up on Senator Graham this AM on MTP. Lindsey came off sounding like he didn’t give a fiddler’s fuck about the troops. Webb was both reasoned and passionate.
“Up yours!” to all of the above.
This is an old but valid gripe:
Absolutely unacceptable for Congress/Prez/VP or any other of our political representatives to take a month off (i might even argue against even a week). Not one of my acquaintances takes a month off work, none. If you can’t get through a relatively short 2/4/6 year term without vacationing, then please get out of politics. Service to the nation is not a weekend in malibu, kids.
Given what we have now, like ANYTIME those bastards want to take some time off, I think we should encourage it.
Get them out of their offices, away from management and control, and keep them that way. Let some of the folks who actually READ the reports and talk to the people in the real world and have some clue what’s going on get a start on sorting some of this shit out.
Because Goddess knows having the current “leadership” in actual charge isn’t working all THAT well, really, when you think about it.