This will grow.
The fix is in.
ALWAYS on the cutting edge of the hype.
By Anna Quindlen
July 23, 2007 issue –
Well, senator, with the “Sopranos”-influenced video gone viral, you managed to convince millions of Americans that you do have a sense of humor. With the continuing massaging of your position on Iraq, you’ve managed to convince a significant number of liberals that you have a sense of urgency about the war. And with the most recent poll results, you must have a sense of yourself as the front runner.
Now it’s time to show that you have a sense of history, a sense that this election is bigger than just one woman’s ambitions. Make it your business to persuade Barack Obama to be your running mate.
Conventional thinkers like to make this sound risky, pairing a woman and a black man on the ticket. But it’s not as wild as it sounds. The calculus of choosing someone for the second spot is always, first and foremost, whether the choice hurts your chances. The answer here is no. Anyone who would be put off by Obama isn’t going to vote for you in the first place.
The second question is what you gain. The way in which that has been interpreted has usually been tediously predictable, and has centered on geographic balance. That’s how John Kerry of Massachusetts wound up with Southerner John Edwards.
It’s not simply that with one fell swoop you would solidify the two largest blocs of Democratic support, but that the historic nature of the pairing would galvanize the race and make any Republican slate seem so same-old. Every politician likes to talk about a new era. The day the Clinton-Obama ticket is announced would really be one for the history books.
There’s more…but that’s the gist of it.
It’s already a done deal unless Obama ABSOLUTELY dominates in the primaries.
I’m pretty sure John Edwards wanted that second chair. will Barack Obama have the wisdom and foresight to turn down the VP slot when it’s offered? That’s my question.
Wisdom and foresight!!!???
It is the perfect position for him.
Let him learn the real backchannel ways of executive power. From some masters. THEN he’ll be ready to be President.
I think it’s a legitimate question as to whether being VP in a Hillary Clinton administration and the quality of lessons on power one might learn in that position would be beneficial or deleterious to a long term political career.
And I think that…were they to be as successful the second time as they were the first (barring unforeseen and unforeseeable Events Of The Blue Dress Kind, of course)…it would MAKE his career.
Power And How To Wield It 101-104
Taught this next 8 semesters by Professor H. Clinton. Assisted by Professor B. Clinton. With a possible extension for another 8 semesters if enough students sign on.
He’d be job sharing with Bill.
That’s going to make for an awfully long bumper sticker.
32-36 years of a Bush or Clinton in the White House. Unprecedented. A quarter century separated the Adams, the same for the Roosevelts who were distant cousins and from entirely different eras.
This? It’s the end of the republic (and maybe the world) as we know it.
And we will know you by the company you keep:
Mack hired the Duke Lacrosse Captain at a six figure salary right out of undergrad. Yes, he was proven innocent of sexual assault, but the pattern of behavior in hiring black “dancers” to perform for a lily white team, the record of racial and misogynistic
behavior and comments from the team…well it would give me pause.
That’s why you are not in a position of real power.
I’m kind of on the Joe Baegant wavelength right now…extricate myself from consumer la la land, ensure my kids are set up ok; not too much student debt, etc. and then off to find a nice out of the way place somewhere to watch the eradication of western republicanism, quite possibly once and for all.
I’ll see ya there.
In that virtual land, anyway, because I am still involved in fighting the culture.
Fighting FOR the culture, to be more specific.
Have fun…
at least for now. Trying to bring some heart and soul and people-powered values into state and local politics.
But soon, very soon….
The problem lies too with the people and talent involved. The sorts of folks that begin to rise to the top vs. the ones whose heart is in it for the right reason and who stepped into the arena to try and make a difference.
The sorting often starts right at the state legislative level and leadership often becomes not so full of leaders…
The ticket I want to see is Edwards/Obama.
I dare ya.