A long time ago another CBS anchor turned against a war and it actually meant something. Bob Shieffer’s tantrum won’t mean a thing. But, I’m glad he said it.

I am still not sure that I believe it: The Iraqi parliament is going on vacation during the month of August.

The White House offers the lame excuse that, after all, Baghdad is hot in August – sometimes 130 degrees.

May I ask a follow-up?

How much hotter do you suppose it is if you are a wearing a helmet, full body armor, carrying ammunition and walking foot patrols through Baghdad?

The last I heard, that is how American troops are spending their August in Iraq.

For me, this does it.

These bigfoot beltway reporters sure do take a long time to figure things out. For example, here’s a test. Find me one example of a Beltway reporter that predicted that John McCain would have no chance of winning his party’s nomination. Bonus points for anyone that predicted he’d have less money on hand than Rep. Ron Paul. Actually, John McCain has a mere $700,000 in his coffers. David Broder must be traumatized.