Progress Pond

UPDATED: Why I Post Here.

  1. No Diary Police
  2. Mojo is just Mojo.
  3. BooMan really tries.
  4. Diaries stick around longer than particles in an accelerator.
  5. Fewer “dicks”.
  6. It’s the only Major site I was ever FP’d.
  7. People try and understand even your most convoluted thoughts.
  8. Everybody knows when to just frikkin’ relax.
  9. International input.

And the number one reason I post here…

1.  I laugh every time I see the frog, handcuffed with his hands in the air.

PS. Don’t recommend this diary, leave the spot to a productive diary….
But, please  do add your top ten reasons to the comments section.
Update [2007-7-16 17:16:8 by meagert]:: The next person who recommends this diary has to buy TWO Coffee Cups!

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