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Monday, July 16th, Rep. Rick Noriega held a press conference in front of the Alamo Memorial at the Texas State Capital.  He announced the formation of the Noriega U. S. Senate Exploratory Committee.  Rick began by talking about his drive into town and thinking of Lady Bird Johnson and all she had done for the beautification of America when she answered her call to service to America as First Lady.   Then Rep. Noriega spoke of his own call to service.

cross posted at Booman Tribune, refinish69,Daily Kos, Texas Kaos
“Growing up in Houston, my family taught me the importance of serving my community.  I’ve been privileged to serve this country as a soldier, my state as an elected representative, and Houston as a community leader focused on education.  The call to service has been a big part of my life, and I am taking the next step in answering that call.

“Standing in the shadows of this monument, I’m reminded of our state’s great tradition of service and our duty to speak out when things have gone off the rails.  Today, our nation is headed in the wrong direction, led by those whose choice is to divide American to maintain power.  They ignore the will of the people about the war in Iraq.  They ignore the needs of the people for health care, college education, and a better standard of living.  They ignore the lessons of history: that America’s strength lies in our unity and diversity.

John Cornyn represents the worst of these trends. And it is time for him to go.”

The words are powerful but you had to be there to hear Rep. Lt. Col. Rick Noriega speak in his calm baritone voice to hear the passion and intensity he feels as he speaks of helping lead Texas and America in a new direction.  Rick Noriega is a True Texas Hero and the Right Leader at the Right Time.  Texans need to unite together to make sure Rick receives the Democratic nomination in the primary this March and win the general election in November 2008.

Among the people attending the press conference were Rep. Noriega’s parents, Retired Major Marc Millis- who served with Rick in Afghanistan, Rep. Valinda Bolton, and many other prominent Democrats, Elected officials and staffs from Texas Senate or Legislative offices.  I wish I had gotten more names and pictures but was to caught up in listening to the next U.S. Senator from Texas speak.

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Rep. Noriega’s Parents

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Retired Major Marc Millis

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Texas State Rep. Valinda Bolton

I was a Noriega supporter before attending the announcement but after hearing Rep. Noriega speak with such passion and fire about the changes needed and what he sees as the countries problems and how he wants to be a part of the solution, I more than a supporter.  I am now a believer and will do everything in my power to help get this great man elected to the U. S. Senate.  

Texas needs Rick’s voice in Washington.  He will speak for All Americans and not just be a mouth piece for party politics.  Rep. Noriega has the wisdom and conscience to look at all sides of an issue and make the right decision.  His hard work in the military as a Lieutenant Colonel and as a Texas State Representative have prepared him for the difficult job ahead.  America needs more leaders like Rick Noriega to step forward and answer the call to service.

Please join me and the net roots Noriega Team as we work to climb aboard the Noriega Express.  The time has come for Texas to have a True leader in the Senate.  Rick Noriega is that Texas hero and we need him and he needs us.  Be one fo the First 800 People to Join Team Noriega and climb aboard the Noriega Express.  It is up to us to help Rick Take Texas and America in a new direction.  Click on the Clipboard to make a donation.

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Noriega Express

This picture I will let the readers label. LOL

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