You know those Congressional subpoenas that Harriet Miers and others in the Bush administration have decided to ignore? Normally the procedure is for Congress to issue a contempt citation and then deliver it to the US District Attorney to enforce by placing the person refusing to answer the subpoena in jail. Well, now the Bushies have decided that since they own the Department of Justice, they don’t have to enforce no stinking subpoenas:
Bush administration officials unveiled a bold new assertion of executive authority yesterday in the dispute over the firing of nine U.S. attorneys, saying that the Justice Department will never be allowed to pursue contempt charges initiated by Congress against White House officials once the president has invoked executive privilege.
Under federal law, a statutory contempt citation by the House or Senate must be submitted to the U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia, “whose duty it shall be to bring the matter before the grand jury for its action.” […]
“A U.S. attorney would not be permitted to bring contempt charges or convene a grand jury in an executive privilege case,” said a senior official, who said his remarks reflect a consensus within the administration. “And a U.S. attorney wouldn’t be permitted to argue against the reasoned legal opinion that the Justice Department provided. No one should expect that to happen.”
The official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss the issue publicly, added: “It has long been understood that, in circumstances like these, the constitutional prerogatives of the president would make it a futile and purely political act for Congress to refer contempt citations to U.S. attorneys.”
Mark J. Rozell, a professor of public policy at George Mason University who has written a book on executive-privilege issues, called the administration’s stance “astonishing.”
It’s more than astonishing. It’s an impeachable offense. But then there have been so many impeachable offenses committed by this White House, it’s hard to keep track. I expect the Democrats to back down and go off to whimper about how the big, bad Bush administration is behaving atrociously while also continuing to tell us that “impeachment is off the table” because they have other priorities.
I guess being slapped in the face repeatedly by the most unpopular President in a generation counts as one of those priorities. I’d love them to prove me wrong, but I don’t think they will.
Isn’t it about time that the Congressional frog realize it being boiled?
They need a cross Democratic-Republican coalition to successfully impeach and remove this criminals. What Republican would you accept as interim president?
Actually, there are any number of Republicans I can think of. But, technically speaking, you would need a double impeachment of both Bush and Cheney to get to that point, and Pelosi would be next in line after Cheney.
See here:;sid=2007/7/19/165521/405
Not sure you could get agreement on McCain from either Dems or Repubs unless he agreed to withdraw from running in 2008.
And he would not be a guy on my shortlist.
I’d go for a moderate Repub like Collins, Snowe or Shays, long before I’d touch McCain. And I suspect most Repubs would also, though they’d probably want someone like Boehner.
I could deal with Lugar as the designated place-holder.
Yeah, he’d do.
or Warner.
McCain is not the issue. I chose McCain because he has an axe to grind with the Bushies over the 2000 primaries and I think he’d fulfill his oath of office without continuing this madness toward as defacto executive dictatorship.
The real heart of the suggestion is in arranging a backroom coalition to force the issue in both houses across a single day. And in Pelosi stepping down as Speaker for a day to hand pro tempe Speakership to the anointed interim president.
I could care less about McCain other than that the current situation makes him particularly appealing: He has a personal vendetta against Bush; his current primary campaign is in tatters; and he has political clout among a minority of Republican senators.
But if you can offer up a more palatable Republican… fine by me. As long as it works. As in: these criminals are tossed out of office and a precedent is set against the so-called ‘unitary executive’.
There is no ‘deal-making’ when it comes to the presidential line of succession. It is mandated by law that officers of government take the oath of office, in a line of succession. How can anyone on this blog not know that?
After Bush, and Cheney, it is the following order (NO DEALS):
* Speaker of the House of Representatives
* President Pro Tempore of the Senate
* Secretary of State
* Secretary of the Treasury
* Secretary of Defense
* Attorney General
* Secretary of the Interior
* Secretary of Agriculture
* Secretary of Commerce
* Secretary of Labor
* Secretary of Health and Human Services
* Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
* Secretary of Transportation
* Secretary of Energy
* Secretary of Education
* Secretary of Veterans Affairs
* Secretary of Homeland Security
See below:
We all know that. The trick is finding the right procedural mechanism to assure the result we want. It’s been done before. Remember Ford?
As long as Biden stays in the race, he would be opposed by all the other Dems.
They can still bring inherent contempt charges, can’t they?
Oh, by the way, ITMFA!
They can, it’s a question if they will. To date, the noises out of Congress have all been that they have little stomach for an inherent contempt charge. The WaPo article on p2 refers to this also.
… and BTW, what does ITMFA mean? That’s a new one on me.
Impeach the M*** F*** Already.
You beat me by 3 seconds, must be that d*** transatlantic cable, however I did waste time to refresh the page to check for an answer.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
You can’t be surprised, it’s a clear statement according to the urban dictionary: ITMFA
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
I’m always surprised.
Ignorance is my middle name when it comes to acronyms.
Indeed, we’re running behind. See the website and sales of T-shirts.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Since 09-12-01 Bush has been collecting material to blackmail everyone on the planet. That explains all of the congressional and fourth-estate obsequiousness to Bush’s every whim?
Contempt of Congress is not just an impeachable offense, it is the only impeachable office.
It may not be that exact statute, but Andrew Johnson was impeached for the crime of firing one of his own Cabinet which the congress had just decided that the president needed their permission to do. Clinton was impeached for having the congress’s contempt and lying in a civil case under oath. Nixon resigned when he refused to give the congress enough information about Watergate, and congress informed him that he no longer had their confidence.
Congress may disagree on a lot of things, but they agree on their own privileges and powers.
Republicans (and Joe Lieberman) will never vote to impeach Bush.
And I’m pretty unsure the Democrats would either.
Some of them like this whole “unitary executive” thing, remember? The Dems’ plan has been obvious since day 1, give Bush enough rope to hang himself, then take over.
The problem is the Democrats still seem to think Bush will somehow be out of office in January 2009.
Impeachment is performed by the House of Representatives, the impeachment trial is performed by the Senate.
An impeachment could be possible by the simple majority of the House, the impeachment trial to convict would require 2/3 of the senate.
Yes, you are right. Sorry if I confused anyone. And the House should vote Articles of impeachment even if they aren’t sure about the outcome in the Senate.
I say we make sure of the outcome before we try sticking the proverbial knife in. But once the it’s assured, act swiftly and without remorse.
Well, I spoke to Sepcter’s office this morning about the situtation. It was a cordial, and contructive, conversation between an aide with who I’ve been engaged in a NUMBER of heated exchanges.
I mentioned th article: he hadn’t seen it yet, but knew about it. Was this a view of executive privilege Specter takes, and how does it fit into our system fo checks and balances? “I can’t answer for the Senator but that’s not how the system works”
And then we talked about it. If this is true, shouldn’t congress just go home, since the WH is taking congress’s perogatives for itself? “Well, if that’s true… but the Senator probably wouldn’t support something like that.”
And then I mentioned that this isn’t the first time the WH has tried to usurp Congress’s power and mentioned the AG scandal. “They deliberately slipped the language in in such a way that your boss looked like the culprit. And I know how mad he was about that.”
And I brought up that if this is allowed to stand, what will happen when it’s a democratic president.
It was a good conversation. The aide seemed genuinely concerned. I think they may have finally overstepped, but I’ve said that before and been proved wrong.
You beat me to it Steven D. To a complacent America who has grown accustomed to leading their own lives while entrusting their elected officials to run the govt, the sheer size of Bush’s in-your-face contempt of his people, his Country, his Constitution is just no longer in the American DNA to comprehend. To borrow a Brad Pitt line (an garble it as well), this is an American story so we expect a happy ending…
GET OVER IT, there is no happy ending here unless Congress & the people she represents recognize that every day we stand on the sidelines without impeachment on the table, every action we condone with our silence only works to favor more misuse of power and yes, eventual destruction of the very spirit this nation rests her soul with. Bush has left no other option.
If only to tie up White House resources we need impeachment on the table.
All I know, is how I have been feeling since the middle of 2001. I know that this adm is trying to do away with us all!!! Plain and simple, in any way possible that they can get by doing it. I advocated impeachment way back then. They are, firstly, bankrupting our nation…that is a definite impeachment tool mentioned in the constitution.
Now after all that they have done to us and our nation, and to the world, I advocate it even more so.
Remember way back when, and I do not have the link to prove it, but bushie said it would be good to have a dictatorship, only if he was dictator. He really meant that and they have been doing things since then to get the job done on a grand and bitter scale.
We have all been sitting by ideally, to see firsthandly what they are doing and still all we can do is write words….and that is including me.
What is the answer? I wished like hell I knew. It is up to the more smart ppl, than I, to come up with this answer. It better be answered soon or we are in the ship of fools that let this happen to ourselves. Congress better get with the program or they will be out of a job too and not just by us but by the executive branch of our government. They have been slowly doing this for sometime now and if they still want their paycheck, they better get on board with Americans…70+ of us…that say so or else….you know the answer to that one.
One that has impeachment proceedings brought against its perpetrator(s).
UH OH!!!
There goes THAT idea.
Because the people who own both parties think that it will be bad for business.
And short of a massiveCONSUMERSTRIKE!!!…which is totally unlikely to happen, given the inability of even the most leftyward-leaning, truthiness-consuming blog members to get behind something so plainly needed as a NEWSTRIKE!!!…then they are right.
Impeachment will NOT happen.
We will slowly withdraw our troops from imminent danger (Keeping enough there…in a different mode as well, more shock troops than occupiers.)… and go on about Economic Imperialist Plan A Lite, featuring those implacable enemies of the CheneyButch Administration and eventual winners of this titanic struggle, the CIA.
Noriega/Saddam/Pahlevi II, comin’ RIGHT UP!!!
Bet on it.
The process will start within minutes of the election return finalizations in ’08.
Love it or go back to sleep.
pelosi herself is the biggest block to arresting meirs and bolten and the whole gang of these schmucks and beginning impeachment hearings
this is pelosi and reid’s doing. and they had better but this m…..f…ing immpeachment thing back on the table soon or they’re going to be looking for new jobs next election too
man the american system is so corrupted and bankrupt it’s hardly even worth arguing or getting excited about anymore