I know this seems strange, I actually couldn’t believe it, especially in view of Kos’ views on criticism. Ironically, it seems BillO isn’t the only one who likes to shut off peoples mics. Take a trip below the fold for more.
Here’s what happened, Kos posted about Jet Blue caving on the front page. I posted a comment questioning the use of the term caving. My manner of questioning the use of the term “caving” was to suggest the possibility that Jet Blue didn’t want to take the time to get involved in figuring out who was wrong and who was right between dKos and O’Reilly. In doing so I copied and pasted this from the FAQ:

From [2] Hunter:

“… every single new pro-Palestinian poster in these threads is going to be presumed guilty until proven innocent, from here on in. I ain’t gonna screw around trying to invent elaborate ways of detecting this clown, I’m just going to ban anyone that sounds vaguely like him. I don’t have the kind of time in my day necessary to worry about any more “fair” solution, and no inclination. If that results in his side of the discussion being completely wiped from the site except for already well-established posters, then frankly I’m having a hard time getting all teary-eyed about that.

Does anyone really think that holding someone to their own standards is trolling? If so I suggest reading the link on criticism again. I’m cross posting on Booman and will limit my discussion of this to that site because I understand how low the BillO types will stoop to cut off someone’s mic.