One way for soldiers to express their opinions is to donate to presidential candidates. And they have been doing so. If the soldiers are really for staying the course we would expect them to donate to John McCain, Rudy Guiliani, or Mitt Romney. You certainly would not expect them to vote for anti-imperialist libertarian Ron Paul or liberal democrat Barack Obama. Listen up, you beltway morons. Here’s the numbers.
Military contributions for Q2
Ron Paul 26.23%
Barack Obama 24.02%
John McCain 18.31%
Hillary Clinton 11.08%
Bill Richardson 5.59%
Mitt Romney 4.05%John Edwards 2.63%
Rudy Giuliani 2.44%
Mike Huckabee 1.84%
Tom Tancredo 1.63%
Duncan Hunter 1.05%
Joe Biden 0.84%
Mike Gravel 0.16%
Sam Brownback 0.07%
Dennis Kucinich 0.05%Tommy Thompson 0%
Chris Dodd 0%
Jim Gilmore 0%
John Cox 0%Source: Finance Reports for the 2007 July Quarterly and compiled by Phreadom. Visit for more detail.
Any questions. Get out of Iraq.
As I wrote a friend who supports Ron Paul the other day, although I don’t agree with his politics, I can certainly see his appeal. He’s honest. He speaks his mind. He’s authentic. And that’s dramatically appealing in a field where insincerity is the currency du jour.
He’s the Howard Dean of this race, the one who is outspoken and a maverick. And I expect his fate will also be the same as Dean’s.
I’ve been turned off by Edwards’ deliberate invoking of Robert Kennedy. Kennedy went to see the poor not because he really cared. Edwards waving people over to hear someone liken him to Robert Kennedy is a poor imitation.
Hilary’s comments on the Iraq war were as mealy mouthed as possible. And Obama’s kowtowing to the nuclear industry is frightening.
I’m a partisan without a candidate. I’d like to think this will change, but right now I just can’t bring myself to give a dollar to any of them….
…be, Ron Paul is not honest. He has played a gibberish game about the racist article in his newsletter, not complaining about it at the time, not apologizing for its content in the next issue, or subsequent issues, and blaming the whole affair on a staffer. In other words, a typical politician caught-out who puts the blame somewhere else. Paul used that newsletter to promote Ron Paul. He was the boss. He gets no pass.
I don’t know anything about Ron Paul but found this tidbit interesting:
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
He is not in the “mainstream” of candidates.
He does not indicate his allegance to the many organizations promoting globalization.
He offers a more real vision which counters the years upon years of bullshit and propaganda advanced by “our” corporate media.
That is why Ron Paul is the choice of the anti-Illuminati party.
As with any statistic, you have to ask “what’s the sample size?” In other words, how many soldiers contributed at all? If the answer is “not many”, then the fact that Ron Paul and Barack Obama are ahead tells us nothing about the sentiments of the vast majority of soldiers.
Going to Paul’s FEC filing, the contributions from “U.S. Army” are $6,375. So the total pool you’re talking about above is only $24,000. Say that the average contribution is $50. That’s only 480 soliders–even less if any of the contributions are large. I would suggest that the above figures tell us very little.
So what else is new?