One way for soldiers to express their opinions is to donate to presidential candidates. And they have been doing so. If the soldiers are really for staying the course we would expect them to donate to John McCain, Rudy Guiliani, or Mitt Romney. You certainly would not expect them to vote for anti-imperialist libertarian Ron Paul or liberal democrat Barack Obama. Listen up, you beltway morons. Here’s the numbers.

Military contributions for Q2

Ron Paul 26.23%
Barack Obama 24.02%
John McCain 18.31%
Hillary Clinton 11.08%
Bill Richardson 5.59%Dollar Planes
Mitt Romney 4.05%

John Edwards 2.63%
Rudy Giuliani 2.44%
Mike Huckabee 1.84%
Tom Tancredo 1.63%
Duncan Hunter 1.05%
Joe Biden 0.84%
Mike Gravel 0.16%
Sam Brownback 0.07%
Dennis Kucinich 0.05%

Tommy Thompson 0%
Chris Dodd 0%
Jim Gilmore 0%
John Cox 0%

Source: Finance Reports for the 2007 July Quarterly and compiled by Phreadom. Visit for more detail.

Any questions. Get out of Iraq.