Two lobbies battling for influence with the US Congress is nothing to lose sleep over. Run of the mill stuff surely. Still when one of those lobbies is the mighty AIPAC …

Now is that a first? I wouldn’t know. It is interesting though.

The adversarial lobby is ALIES (American-Lebanon Institute for Enlightened Studies), the registered foreign lobby of the Lebanese government. AIPAC by the way is not registered as a foreign lobby. Very strange but that’s the way it is apparently.
Here’s what is happening:

US Representatives, Gary Ackerman (D-NY), Tom Lantos (D-CA), and Republicans Mike Pence, Darrell Issa and Charles Boustany met in a secret session last night upon receiving word that ALIES (American-Lebanon Institute for Enlightened Studies) had appended an amendment to their resolution affirming the continued US readiness to provide material and economic assistance to help protect Lebanese sovereignty and independence. The counter-resolution, provided by the registered foreign lobby of the Lebanese government, attacks the AIPAC […] drafted resolution introduced by Ackerman and co-“authored” by Lantos, the principal voice of AIPAC in the House, as one more example of AIPAC control of the US Congress which successfully writes on average of 100 resolutions and pieces of legislation per year for our illiterate representatives to sign, all favorably disposed to Israel. The caustic language of the resolution slams the hypocrisy of the Ackerman and Lantos resolution that indicts Syria and Hezbollah as enemies of Lebanon and not the state of Israel that, only one year ago, razed Lebanon to the ground in its most recent effort to demonstrate its friendship with the Lebanese people. – More