Not much more a Senator can do at this point.
Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Russ Feingold announced today that he will introduce two censure resolutions condemning the President, Vice President and other administration officials for misconduct relating to the war in Iraq and for their repeated assaults on the rule of law. Feingold called the resolutions appropriate and necessary steps for Congress to rebuke an administration that is responsible for some of the worst misconduct and the worst abuses of the law in American history.
“Censure is about holding the administration accountable,” Feingold said. “Congress needs to formally condemn the President and members of the administration for misconduct before and during the Iraq war, and for undermining the rule of law at home. Censure is not a cure for the devastating toll this administration’s actions have taken on this country. But when future generations look back at the terrible misconduct of this administration, they need to see that a co-equal branch of government stood up and held to account those who violated the principles on which this nation was founded.”
Feingold will work with his colleagues, as well as seek input from his constituents and the American people, as he crafts the final language of the resolutions. The first resolution will condemn the President and others for misconduct relating to the war in Iraq including:
· Overstating the case that Saddam Hussein had WMD, particularly nuclear weapons, and falsely implying a relationship with al Qaeda and links to 9/11.
· Failing to plan for the civil conflict and humanitarian problems that the intelligence community predicted.
· Over-stretching the Army, Marine Corps and Guard with prolonged deployments.
· Justifying our military involvement in Iraq by repeatedly distorting the situation on the ground there.
The second resolution will focus on the administration’s attack on the rule of law with respect to, among other things:
· The illegal NSA warrantless wiretapping program.
· Extreme policies on torture, the Geneva Conventions, and detainees at Guantanamo.
· The refusal to recognize legitimate congressional oversight into the improper firings of U.S. Attorneys.
In March 2006, Feingold introduced a resolution censuring the President for authorizing and misleading Congress and the public about the illegal NSA warrantless wiretapping program. In January 2007, the administration finally brought its wiretapping program within the FISA statute.
“At my town hall meetings, online, and everywhere I go, I hear the American people demanding that the President and his administration be held accountable for their misconduct, both with regard to the disastrous war in Iraq and their flagrant abuse of the rule of law. Censure is a relatively modest response, but one that puts Congress on record condemning their actions, both for the American people today and for future generations,” Feingold said.
Feingold is encouraging people to email suggestions of what to include in the censure resolution. People can email Senator Feingold at or visit his webpage at
At least someone is speaking up.
i’m terribly disappointed in russ and i just wrote and told him so… yeah, he’s speaking up but not in the way that our country needs him to… the seriousness of the constitutional crisis we are in is way past censure, and i’m dumbfounded that he isn’t calling our attention to that…
He’s a Senator and a jury member in any impeachment trial, so it’s awkward for him to call for impeachment. I’m not saying he can’t do it, but it is more appropriate to leave that job to members of the House.
But in the email I got, Russ not only didn’t call for impeachment, but said he didn’t support the idea because it would keep Congress from tending to the other important business of the country. Excuse me, but I call bullshit. The Senate can’t pass any meaningful legislation because of the 60 vote thing the Repubs are insisting on. Even if they could reach 60, at this point a veto-proof majority is damned near impossible. There will be no tending to this nation’s important issues until the Dems demand impeachment. Sure there might be no conviction, but at least they would go on record for future administrations that Congress won’t stand for the usurpation of Constitutional power.
But that is the job of the House, not the Senate.
I’m clear on that, and if Feingold had called for censure without making the point that he opposes impeachment (which I’m sure he knows comes from the House) it would have been one thing. But he did say he opposes impeachment and he did use the lame excuse that Congress is just too busy.
Reid thinks they’re too busy to censure.
And, honestly, they are very tight on time if they are going to get their appropriations and at least a couple on their agenda passed.
Reid should already be considering truncating the August recess, and other items not currently on the schedule will make it worse.
At the same time, Bush is forcing their hand by refusing to comply with subpoenas.
Okay. I’m mad at Feingold, but I am madder at Reid.
he’s been speaking up for a long time, to no avail. l’m not sure, frankly, what good this will do, but l’m behind it all the way.
Feingold is seeking input from folks in Wisconsin and across the country on what should be in these final resolutions.
Click here to read more and respond.
Russ Feingold is the Keith Olbermann of the Senate. A token resister who is utterly powerless to do more than complain. This gives the weak middle class left something to feel good about so’s they will not really DO anything.
He is merely a useful and relatively harmless irritant, with absolutely no national mainstream traction. Had he been truly serious, he would have run for President.
And above him…WAY above him…the Great Game continues, unabated and relatiively unchallenged.
Just as it’s always been.
Until masses of the American sleeple rise up in anger from their media-induced hypnonaps…and I see NO signs of that happening within the next year or so, short of some kind of serious collapse of the feeding and hypno-systems…business as usual.
Have YOU driven a Ford recently?
Duct Tape.
Over busy’s mouth, and hands and feet duly secured.
Nice, but it is just another slap on the hand, something that will yet again be ignored.
I think its a bold move, by forcing the Senators to put up or shut-up. We all know W and his crew lied to the American People to get us into a war with Iraq. Know the Senator’s Republican and Democrat alike have the opportunity to “Take Back” their vote on the “Iraq War Resolution” by voting for Censure.
And if you don’t vote for Censure, it is highly unlikey you will be the Democratic nominee for President/
Feingold is offering a weak slap to the wrist for Bush because he got so much flak in his last anti-impeachment diary on dkos.
I’m not impressed. Grow a spine Senator Feingold. Your party members and constituents are watching.
Like Booman said – arrest them!
The time for mutiny has come and gone. We are long past the point of delicate maneuvers like censure.
Congress has dithered itself into permanent irrelevancy.
I’m probably old and weak enough to content myself with sending an email, but I hope we have enough real serious citizens left that are willing to take appropriate action against this mafia.
reids’ already thrown it under the bus
via thinkprogress
Yeah, they’ve got a lot to do while ignoring the fact that we are watching the death of the Republic.
got to keep funding the war, can’t let the military/industrial complex down…the defense appropriations bill is important to the constituency…ya know
gotta keep hsa going, l mean, they’ve got such a fine track record of detecting atheletes foot at airports, and our ports of entry are now secure…not
and then we got that big vacation coming up in august…..wouldn’t want to spoil that…..
lots and lots to do, kahli. unfortunately, none of it is the peoples business