This Nedra Pickler story about the CNN YouTube debate is classically snotty, cliche and unserious, totally unsurprising coming from Pickler. It would probably annoy me even more if I wasn’t having to read the news reports today to find out what happened. (There have been … technical difficulties.) But this, this was even more irritating than the tone of the article, because diplomacy should not be equated with propaganda:
… More seriously, Illinois Sen. Barack Obama would be willing to meet individually with the leaders of Iran, Syria, Venezuela, Cuba and North Korea during the first year of his presidency, while Clinton would not.
“I don’t want to be used for propaganda purposes,” she said. Her campaign quickly posted video of her answer online, trying to show she has a different understanding of foreign policy than her chief rival. …
At least, it was irritating until I read the transcript. Because Clinton didn’t say that she ‘wouldn’t be willing’ to meet with those leaders, she said that she “will not promise” to meet with them, though she would actively pursue high level diplomacy. A little different, you think?
She’s not my pick, but they shouldn’t get to lie about her without getting called on it. We all deserve a better conversation than that.
“she has a different understanding of foreign policy than her chief rival….”
Hillary’s understanding DLC foreign policy is best understood as DLC/AIPAC foreign policy. Anyone who would meet with Israel’s version of the Grand Wizard of the KKK, Avigdor Lieberman, as she did last year at the Saban Institute, is paying respect to future manipulation of American foreign policy. That would include a preemptive attack on Iran. Hillary is a dangerous presidential candidate and the way things are going, it looks like America under the Republican Lite administration of Hillary Clinton will take America further down the drain.
“I may become object of their propaganda.”
Subcommittee on the Middle East and South Asia
Gary L. Ackerman (D-NY), Chairman
You are respectfully requested to attend the following OPEN hearing of the Subcommittee on the Middle East and South Asia, to be held in Room 2172 of the Rayburn House Office Building .
Date: Wednesday, February 14, 2007 Time: 2:30 PM
Subject: Next Steps in Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process
Witnesses: Mr. David Makovsky
Project on the Middle East Peace Process
The Washington Institute for Near East Policy
The Honorable Martin S. Indyk – [1999]
Saban Center for Middle East Policy
The Brookings Institution
The Honorable Daniel Pipes
Middle East Forum
● Projects working for peace among Israelis and Arabs
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
To put it in a few words, “it’s a lost cause.” Stellar witness list, don’t you think?
But if that’s the case, say so. Have specific examples, don’t lie to make your point; that’s what I’m puttin across here.
It’s often the case that the facts are damning or exonerating enough all on their own. And, you can sleep at night.
There is little reason to believe that Hillary will deviate from husband, Bill’s Israeli biased Middle East policy. Especially unnerving was his complicity in blaming Arafat for the Camp David 2000 no-go peace initiative, when the truth was that the “generous offer” was all a hoax to start with.
Under a Hillary administration, we will see nothing more than a perpetuation of the right wing Likud agenda of the Great Israel dream, another major screwing of the Palestinian people.
I missed that part of the debate. I thought the whole thing was frighteningly democratic and, therefore, far better than any debate I’ve ever seen.
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