5 years on, 4000 + u.s. servicemen and women dead, 10’s of thousand seriously wounded, maimed, and mentally incapacitated, 100’s of thousands of iraqi’s slaughtered, and half a trillion dollars of treasure poured into an unnecessary war of aggression.
23 july 2007 marks the 5th anniversary of the meeting that occurred in downing street involving the highest officials of the british government.
the minutes of this secret meeting, which have come to be known as the downing street memos, were initially published in the sunday times uk on 1 may 2005. now, 2 plus years later, we’re still in the clutches of the same administration and group of ideologues who have elevated lies, subterfuge, and even treason, to a high art-form, protected from investigation or oversight on the whim of the unitary executive, be it congressional or judicial.
the traditional 5th anniversary gift is wood….l’ll leave it to the reader to determine the appropriate item, as well as where it should be applied. the more modern version, according to miss manners, is silverware, which, unfortunately, has all been stolen, along with a great deal of treasure and a great many constitutional rights and protections.
it’s certainly relevant to point out that, subsequent to this revelation of lies and misconduct, many more egregious acts have been perpetrated on the citizens of the u.s. as well as the citizens of the world in general, all in the name of pursuing the war on terror ©…the latest of which may be viewed here.
it’s also interesting to look into what fortune has dispensed to the primary architects of, what has been called, the greatest foreign policy mistake in the history of the u.s..
fear not for the fortunes of the likes of tony “the poodle” blair. although replaced as pm of britannia, he will continue his valuable contributions as special envoy for arab-israeli peace in the middle east, an appointment which is receiving less than glowing reviews:
Columnist Rami Khouri wrote in Beirut’s Daily Star: “If there is an award for the combined negative credibility of an institution plus an individual, the Quartet and Blair should be its first recipients. Appointing Tony Blair as special envoy for Arab-Israeli peace is something like appointing the Emperor Nero to be the chief fireman of Rome.”
via: guardian uk
and what about all the people, responsible for enabling and promoting this debacle, that are here in the states?…you may ask: wolfowitz, feith, hadley, perle, abrams, libby, hannah, wurmser, natsios, bartlett, daniels, tenet, powell, rumsfeld, rice, cheney, and last, but not least the chimperor bush?….they’re all doing quite well, thank you..
the pundits, and all the other usual suspects, continue to pursue yet another misadventure, this time in iran… driven by whatever madness they’re consumed with, making it up as they go along, happily protecting their boyz in the WH, like david brooks, or casting aspersions at democrats per william the bloody kristol, and many more too numerous to list. l keep hoping that they will, as bill maher says: sit this one out.
so, there you have it…business as usual. as the democrats continue to keep their impeachment powder dry, even as public sentiment for said impeachment of the vp stands at 54% in favor, and 45% positive for impeaching the purported leader of the free world, Pan troglodytes I
don’t forget to send a card and a nice woody present to these deserving people, and you might want to send condolences and a get well quick card to the congress as well, as their ratings are even lower than the vp’s and chimpy’s.
tips, recs or whatever….happy anniversary
The Perle quote is priceless.
Surely there must at least be one ruined, squalid alley worthy of this designation.