Washington Post/ABC News Polling is inexplicably better for Bush than other polling. But, no worries, look at this.
…when it comes to judging the president versus congressional Democrats on the issue of Iraq, the public stands with Congress. Fifty-five percent said they trust congressional Democrats on the war, compared with 32 percent who said they trust Bush. (Eleven percent of all respondents and 17 percent of independents said they trust “neither.”) And by 2 to 1, Americans said Congress, rather than the president, should make the final decision about when to withdraw U.S. forces from Iraq.
How’s that for an endorsement of the unitary executive? Not.
The Democrats need to flex their muscles and stop playing patty-cake. The wind is at their backs and they’ve sunk an anchor.
Just a thought: is it possible that Democrats fear that responsibility for the Iraq occupation will just be thrown into their laps were the troops to be precipitously withdrawn? And what would be the consequences of withdrawal? Kissinger predicts a “calamity of unimaginable proportions,” if I quote him correctly, body counts never before seen. In other words, a very bloody civil war. Then what?
Then what? Any answers from the netroots?
It’s possible that the Democrats do not trust Bush to oversee and implement a responsible withdrawal plan. Yes. It that unreasonable?