I have no earthly idea why, but the President came to my town today, the most Democratic city in the country. And he said something stupid and disingenuous:
With troops in harm’s way in Iraq and Afghanistan, Bush said Congress should move to approve a spending bill for the Defense Department before members embark on their August recess.
“They need to exercise their responsibility and get this defense bill passed. There’s time to do it,” Bush said. “I’ll hang around if they want me to get the bill passed.”
Harry Reid heard about this idiotic blather and responded.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) characterized Bush’s speech as “simply the latest example of the president shamelessly hiding behind our brave troops in an effort to distract attention from his failed national security record.”
No respect, no quarter. Nicely done.
If there is a person who knows about vacation its W.
So where is our “war” president going to be this August, Kennebunkport or at the Ranch.
They should ride this one out until AFTER the Great St. Patraeus has delivered his report in September. Period. No more debate or anything until then. The bill isn’t needed until October or something I think, so it’s no rush.
Tonight I was flipping channels trying to find something to have on in the background and stopped briefly on Fox News. Hannity & Colmes was on and I only caught a couple minutes of it before I flipped the channel in disgust. Anyway, Hannity and some like-minded guest were blasting away at the “Democrat Party” in the Senate for dragging their feet and depriving our troops of bullets and everything else they need to fight The Great War For Our Freedom… and you know, our boys are gettin’ killed because the “Democrat Party” just won’t give them the supplies they need right now. Seriously. They were selling it like the Pentagon is literally out of money NOW – and it’s all the “Democrat Party’s” fault.
Um… Duh! This is the Defense Appropriations bill for NEXT YEAR! And the “Emergency Supplemental” $100 Billion recently passed should be good to keep them bullets flowing for a while. Everything they were spewing was false. And this was obviously coordinated propaganda, to hear the President speaking the same rhetoric in the same day.
Wait until September. The water is getting warmer every day in the froggy pot. By late September it should be MUCH more interesting.
Now if Reid really wanted to show Bush no quarter…
he’d have told him that Congress wasn’t going to take any recess at all because they were going to be much too busy impeaching the entire gang of miscreants.
Pelosi and Reid are worried that it will take time from other issues. Well, an entire month with nothing else scheduled except a handful of impeachments and resulting trials ought to take care of this issue rather nicely: we’ll pull our country back from the brink of dictatorship and restore our government to a government of laws.
Will it matter if there’s a hearing on some doping scandal in sports if the dope-in-charge declares martial law? Will it matter if Congress investigates KBR and Bechtel if Cheney nukes Iran from his dugout below the Naval Observatory? Will sending subpoenas to Miers and Rove and Addington and Card mean anything unless Congress is willing to jail no-shows for inherent contempt and do it now?
Even funding the government will not matter if there is no government we can recognize as American!
Name a department or agency which has not been corrupted by this most corrupt of administrations!
Priorities, folks, priorities.
An apt summary of our President.
Careful, don’t get too cocky. The chimps remarks were carried by the major media reaching potentially 150 million folks. Harrys’ comments will be seen or heard by no more than how many?
That is the rub and until the dems figure out just how they plan to handle this problem the are whistling in the wind or maybe it would be more appropriate at this late date to say that they are fiddling while Rome is burning!
Not Rome’s senator of course, but it was …
the Emperor refusing to act!
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
about the latest Gonzalez flap and the Rove subponea:
It’s the classic Republican/Fox News spin. It’ll be interesting to see if people still buy it. Given Congress’ horrendus approval ratings they just might.
Remember, the Republicans win not only if they hold power, but also if they destroy government credibility and respect for the rule of law and constitutional precedent.
“Out-of-OUR-control” Congress.
“I’ll hang around if they want me to get the bill passed.”
How about from a tree limb.
This arrogant maroon is willing to hold up his brush clearance duty, to get more cash for his stash.
I can`t even believe anyone would be taking vacation, while there`s one member of the armed forces in harm`s way.
Anything on this site at all? This, at a time when Obama is looking better and better, there is nothing at all critizing Hillary’s DLC Republican Lite focus on foreign policy. Hillary is pushing a continuation of Bush-Cheney’s Empire (big business) movement, and nobody on the Left is saying a damned thing about it.
Sorry to get off topic but when no home exists for expressing comments about this important issue, it is time to speak out.
Booman, where the fuck are you?
you’re kidding, right?
It’s a Matter of Spending Time Reading
Jail time
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Thanks Oui.
It takes a thick hide to do this job. And I try to be polite even when politeness is not necessarily my first, second, or third instinct.
It was such a dumb remark, at first I thought it wise not to react. Your comment gave me a chance to react a second time around. I’m fully aware of your tough task and having to read such comments. As you said a thick hide like an elephant, though these animals do have a remarkable memory.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
…that commercial clip is hilarious! Best laugh of the day!
Mea culpa, Booman. Thanks, Oui.
Sitemeter started going up when I stopped reading. Anyone notice?
Interesting, his Philly visit. So he’s threatening Arlen personally these days?! What a weenie Arlen is! Still trying to have it both ways and pretend he’s courageous. Yawn.
Anyway, Junior was in our county, not too far from where we live, and it is a VERY Democratic county in very Democratic state. (What few wingnuts we have are of the extreme wingnut variety, though.) Of course, I didn’t even know of his appearance until days later. You know how he is about protests and all.
The Constitution is such a pesky li’l thing–especially that 1st amendment. Damned bill of rights!
Sneaking in, sneaking out–and completely full of shit.