Imagine being on the brink of adolescence in the year 2000, – only minimally aware of the world around you, and really not into the foibles of politics or politicians.  Life was what it was, and you took it pretty much for granted.  In fact, for you and other young teens in 2000; things seemed pretty good and getting better, because you were growing up in the richest and most powerful nation in the whole damn world.
It wasn’t a perfect place, for sure, but it had potential.  There were wrongs to be righted, but there was real hope that things would only get better as the years went on.  All in all, in the year 2000, being a kid in America was a good thing to be.

Now imagine that it is seven years later and you have just grown into adulthood, and you gradually realize that in a frighteningly short a time your entire world has become unraveled.  In just seven years, everything good that once was there is gone, and your country has come apart at the seams before your very eyes.

Really think about these last seven years and recoil at what it actually means to have come of age in Bush’s America,

To assist your reality check, here’s a short list the mind-boggling transformations that have become standard operating procedure in the good old USA…..

Continued in full article: