I am sitting here this evening, beside myself in utter dismay at the Progressive movement.  This evening, I sat here and watched as a member of our great armed forces was treated like a common criminal and was viciously falsely accused of doing something that John Soltz is just as guilty of, and that is making political statements while in uniform.

May I ask if anyone has forgotten that Mr. John Soltz is the founder of votevets.org?  Has everyone forgotten that this man’s photo, of him in uniform, exists on his website?  Further, He is also seen on this site making statements against this war.  Therefore, it is to conclude that Mr. Soltz is guilty of blatant hypocrisy.

In as much as I am against this so called war, and the lies and deceptions that were and still are still being used by this current Administration to bring us and to keep us, into this war.  I believe that any attempt to stifle and intimidate someone from exercising their right to free speech, is in fact, an act of abominable treason!

As a Progressive Populist, and a man who is very cognizant of the rights and privileges of Citizens of the United States of America.  I am aware the Freedom of Speech is one of those inalienable rights.  Even if that speech does not fit into one’s political ideologies.  Further more, an attempt to censor, repress, intimidate anyone who desires to express one’s opinion of a subject, is in my opinion is a grave offense, and should be dealt with harshly.  

I ask a simple question, Have we, in our quest to be released from the shackled bonds of that which is known as the Republican Political mindset, Have we sacrificed our own right to free thought?  Have we buried our own freedoms?  Have we become as utter tyrants, in shocking resemblance to the Elitists on the Right?  My God in Heaven, I hope that this is not the case.

This young man was simply trying to say that the surge was working, whether he is correct or not, is of no concern of mine at all.  I do not think we will ever know the absolute truth about the situation on the ground in Iraq.  However, for Mr. Soltz to act in the manner that he did is to spit in the face of the United State Military and to spit upon our great Constitution.  Further, Repression of free speech of any kind, is un-American, period.

Mr. Soltz, you own the American people an apology.