Yessir, folks.

My apologies.

Alla you Hillary haters have been right and I have been wrong. They finally pinned her at the Yearly KosKid Konvention (Yearly KKK) in a question and answer period along with Obama, Edwards, Richardson etc.

Here’s the scoop.

Hold on. It’s a BIG one!!!

Clinton was asked what three lessons she learned from her failed health care reform effort during the presidency of her husband, Bill Clinton. “It is not enough to have a plan. You’ve got to have a political strategy,” the New York senator said.

“In 90 seconds, I don’t have the time to tell you all the mistakes I made.”


There it is.

She has a plan.

No doubt a dastardly underground plan to take over the Unbitered States and deliver it into safely into the hands of the Bildogres and alla them other corporate alien clone motherfuckers.


Read on for more insights into her scheming ways.
I repeat the above statement for your further delectation.

It is not enough to have a plan. You’ve got to have a political strategy.

By now I suppose that you have figured out by now that I am dealing in irony here.

Those of you who can receive that sort of message, of course.

Here is someone who can actually learn from her mistakes. And put that learning into practice.

This is an almost revolutionary idea in American politics. If John Edwards were capable of learning anything at all, he would presently be sporting a crewcut and living in one of the many available fine old North Carolina farmhouses. Obama is learning, but he is doing so in full view of the national electorate and thus taking some serious lumps as a result.

But Hillary Clinton?

Who got her ass THOROUGHLY kicked when she presented a fine health care plan to the nation with the naive notion that since it was both humanitarian and well constructed it would pass through the shark infested waters of a corporate-owned Congress?


The hard way.

Her resultant plan?

Quite obviously, it has been to get elected Senator from New York, wait out the probable losing presidential battle of 2004 (Remember, 9/11 and the Iraq invasion were still fresh in the public sleepmind.), keep on hustilng behind the scenes to raise enough money and gather enough support…no matter WHAT dances she had to perform in order to do so, including dealing with the mostly lame KoSSacks of Shit…and take the fuck over when the sheer corruption, greed and stupidity of the current Ratpub/NeoCon/Vast Right Wing Conspiracy rulers finally sunk down into the waking dreams of the sleeple electorate.

Which plan she is in the process of successfully implementing.

You kneejerkers…DEAL WITH IT.

Even the inimitable Kos is dealing with it.

 A further quote from the article linked above.

Markos Moulitsas Zuniga, founder of Daily Kos and spiritual leader of the convention, said Clinton still might be able to mitigate her problems.”We may decide she’s not our first choice, but she’s not a bad choice,” he said. “


“Spiritual Leader!!!??? “


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Let him eat pie.

But there we are.

I swear…she appears to me to have  the patience of Job.

And the cunning of a ninja.

A WORLD-class politician.

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What a hustle!!!


My hat is off to her.

Anybody who can handle two opposing assholes the size of George Stenbrenner and the head KosKid deserves whatever she can get.

It’s a dirty job, but I am glad that SOMEBODY is doing it.
