Mitt Romney, parody of a man…
Republican presidential contenders sparred over abortion on Sunday but generally agreed the United States must remain in Iraq as part of the war on terror.
“Just come home,” countered Texas Rep. Ron Paul, the lone dissenter on a debate stage when it came to Iraq. He said there had never been a good reason to go to war in the first place.
“Has he forgotten about 9/11?” interjected former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney.
Doesn’t that sound like a Saturday Night Live skit? Here’s a little more from the jokester:
But it was Romney forced on the defensive on the issue of abortion, when Kansas Sen. Sam Brownback defended automated phone calls his campaign had been making that highlight his rival’s one-time support for pro-choice policies.
Romney called it “desperate, maybe negative,” adding moments later, “I get tired of people that are holier than thou because they’ve been pro-life longer than I have.”
I don’t know if they are any people that have been pro-life less long than Mitt Romney. Here’s Romney commenting on Obama’s foreign policy.
“He’s gone from Jane Fonda to Dr. Strangelove in one week,” Romney said of Obama.
The Fonda part must have been when Obama said he’d be willing to talk with foreign leaders. The Strangelove part would then be the promise to capture and kill Usama bin-Laden in Pakistan.
Romney is a real twit.
Romney is an “empty suit” with an empty soul. He is in fact what the Republican Propaganda Mill invented about John Kerry….a man with no principles, who will adopt whatever notion he needs to adopt to get elected.
I saw him on Stephanopoulos’s dog and pony show this morning, and could not believe the utter and incomprehensible arrogance and hypocrisy of this guy.
really, he sucked on Stephanopoulos?
I’m not sure how to respond. They both have such nice hair. Or, how can anyone tell who sucks on that abc suckfest?
Romney is showing the right wings total inability to understand issues unless they are reduced to cartoons. Diplomacy
= Jane Fonda; capturing Bin Laden =
Dr. Strangelove. No understanding that different approaches are needed in different contexts.Pakistan is nominally our ally, but only because they do what Bush co. says most of the time, they are doing some really scary shit and we might have to do things about it. At least he takes preemptive nuclear strike off the table.
I am forced to watch fox news during the day….long story short I work with a bunch of young guys and there are more bikinis and car chases and stuff on fox….anyway Leiberman was on there talking about attacking three “bases” across the Iranian border. Destabilizing to say the least. The right remained silent while their poodle yipped but talk of Dr. Strangelove when Obama makes the case that Bin Laden and Zawahiri are not in Iran. Al Qaeda’s leadership is in Pakistan and at some point we will have to strike across the border…
Its so last year anyway.
mitt the twit
how anyone can take mitt seriously when his campaign consists of little more than pandering to the lowest common denominator, and being marketed like the marlboro man, is beyond me…shallow does not begin to descibe the lack of depth of this man.
the resemblance is uncanny.
ronald mcraygun redux.
I saw the Republican debate when it re-aired on C-Span tonight and maybe I wasn’t listening in well enough, but I could swear Romney, when talking about Obama, had said that Pakistan was a Democracy and that Musharreff was democratically elected. It wasn’t clear what he was talking about, but no one picked up on it. I wonder if any of them realize that Pakistan is a dictatorship and maybe they’re just confusing all the brown Muslim people with Glorious Iraq. What a pathetic crew.
No, he thinks he’s a wit, but he’s only half right.
Maybe he is just a Mittwit?
And now Mitt Romney thinks that he is Jack Bauer…
Take a look at the following ridiculous video:
Perhaps Mitt has simply been “brainwashed” on GOP talking points like Iraq and “pro” life??