Noam Scheiber updated his blog in response to my request that he name names of the reporters that celebrated wingnut Mike Huckabee’s second place finish in the Iowa Straw Poll.

Update: A couple of commenters have asked about the high-fiving I describe when the press corps realized Huckabee had taken second. I’d intended this to be hyperbolic, but now that I read it again, maybe the hyperbole isn’t so obvious.

Anyway, the point was just that there was much rejoicing among the press over Huckabee’s showing. I talked to four or five other reporters about Huckabee yesterday. All of them were down when it looked like he might not make it out of Ames. These same people were pretty giddy once the results came in. (I’d love to name names, but nothing good would come of that for any of us…)

I’ll let the hyperbole go. It’s sloppy, but Noam copped to the sloppiness. But he reiterates that ‘there was much rejoicing’ in the press corp over Huckabee’s performance. And then he tells us that no good can come from telling John Q. Public which fucking lame-brained reporters are emotionally invested in Huckabee’s campaign of hate.

Oh, I know…these reporters will cry that Mike Huckabee isn’t a hater but a super nice guy…’a candidate of considerable humor who stands apart in this oh-so-serious field of presidential contenders’ (hat tip to Patience).

That’s bullshit. This is a guy that brags that he put an anti-gay amendment into the Arkansas Constitution and passed a law that which requires the state to do whatever it legally can to make sure women suffer needless complications in pregnancy.

I’ll tell you one guy that is a prime suspect in this lovefest for a gay-bashing, woman-hating humorist…Adam ‘friggin’ Nagourney:

Mr. Huckabee stands out with jokes that are improvised as often as they are read off a page. He has appeared on “The Daily Show” and “The Colbert Report.” He plays in a rock-and-roll band called Capitol Offense.

The humor seems an integral part of an easy-going, self-effacing, jaunty personality, though one that is no doubt calculated to some degree. That is one reason Republicans have watched him as a potential dark horse.

Why not call him what he is? A neanderthal.

I call again for Noam Scheiber to name names. Who are these journalists that are so fond of a man that wants to permanently relegate gays and lesbians to second class citizenship and deny women basic medical care? We deserve to know which journalists are openly rooting for such a man to succeed in his quest of oppression, while they pretend to cover this race in an objective manner. Names, Noam. Names.