SPP-eak no evil?
Does Cheney care to explain what changed?
He did warn us in this 1994 video.
You bet he can. He became president of the u s a. and a reign of terror began.
They were warned, but cared not.
US Gov’t broke Padilla through intense isolation, say experts.
Yes, they knew.
And they sent him anyway for torture. (h/t: cursor)
All this chatter about Rove’s Legacy. Who cares? Oh, please. It’s a failure of two men.
Whatever Rove was up to, Bush approved.
Caring for the banksters’ losses. Contained or is it a contagion? As Warren Buffett warned in 2004, what we have in creative financing – off-the-books derivatives (aka Enron era) – are financial weapons of mass destruction.
A Financial System in Jeopardy!
It’s unsustainable.
Learn from the fall of Rome, US warned.
But there’s hope. Perhaps.
A real breakthrough in cancer research.
Canadian team discovers gene that turns cancers off.
No hope here as blind leads the dumb. More than Odd. Dangerous?
OK then, here’s why we should:
Take the headline – “Caring for the banksters…A Financial System in Jeopardy!”
Under creative financing, once again (we never learn) the old economic rules were abolished; homeowners are defaulting, mortgage lending companies dropping like flies or have gone out of business – 117 since November 2006. Bankers are refusing to lend to other banks, cautious they say but we see it as pulling back on greed.
As Central Banks bailout their brethren, in the end it’s Mr. Joe and Mrs. Jill Mainstreet who’ll pay with tax dollars. That’s you as well. It affects our jobs, purchasing power, pension funds, universities endowments (last week Harvard University declared a loss of $350 million loss on these hedge fund instruments}.
Scary and Ugly, this is a Crisis in Credit. Some have opined a serious recession could be in the making.
Iraq aside, we’re back to “It’s the economy, stupid.”