(This is actually sort of a double post. Please read the extended tip jar thing as well. Thank you.)
Gaianne wrote a reply to a comment on my recent post Mercenary Army Omertica. The REAL threat. Not little Karl. that answered the sincerely stated and hopeful idea that there are now too many people “on to” the far right for them to implement much more in the way of power grabs. She simply said :
I started to comment on HER comment, and it grew.
So here it is now, as a stand-alone post.
Read on if you are curious about what might be called a cosmic view of what is up here.
The battle is not exactly “starting”, gaianne…it’s been on since the late ’40s/early ’50s. This particular battle, that is. One that is part of a war that has been going on since Cain killed Abel. However, you are quite right that it is going to continue.
These people are ideologues. The worst kind of ideologues. Ones who have the wrong idea(s), and are obsessive about them. They want to go back, to return to a better time, and the simple fact is that there IS no going back. In the evolution of the life of life, there is only going forward.
Or death.
Or…an always temporary stasis, one that lasts a little while…the ’50s for example, in America…as the evolutionary energies of the universe that pertain here on Earth recover from a particularly strenuous and effortful time.
Those are our only choices as individual human beings OR as societies. So-called committed conservatives are always and forever those who do not see this and thus long with a sad, nostalgic passion for the good old days, never able to understand that these ARE the good old days. They are… and both George Butch and Karl Rove are prime examples of this, each in his own way…childish, regressive thumb suckers who only truly wish to be back to the tit (or further, back to the womb), protected from all the stresses of life as an adult by a Magic Mommy who will make things “AWWWWW BETTER” again.
They have their function in human society just as do severe storms and other natural disasters in the larger picture of life on earth. They act as a brake to stop too rapid a growth pattern, and when they have done their work they just fade away, back into the gene pool until the next time that they are needed. (They are always with us, G. Bet on it. History tells us that, a thousand times over.)
However… before they fade out, they usually fight like a sonofabitch. Like a cornered rat. Like Hitler, if they are channeling some sort of REAL power.
And the continuing smirks on the faces our revered Preznit AND his Karl brain every time I see them tell me that he and his controllers ain’t through yet. Not hardly. They still have one or two more new realities to throw at us before fading out stage left.
Stay alert, keep working, stay committed, and…
Meanwhile…pray for rain.
A healing rain.
It’s due.
It’s coming.
It’s on the way.
Bet on it.
Any day now.
Aaaaany day.
As a little sidebar to this…if you need further evidence that Hillary Clinton and her political advisors are RIGHT ON THE MONEY as far as they way that they are going to run their campaign to capture the right-leaning people of the heartland, check THIS out.
The first Clinton ad in the heartland. Iowa. Simply titled “Invisible”.
Now I am sorry if you do not agree here, but what I see is a truly masterful piece of mainstream political advertising that goes right to the heart of the matter.
Hillary Clinton as the Magic Mommy for whom these people so desperately long.
You can blah blah blah all you want about what she really intends to do. You can criticize her tactics, her allies, her financial supporters, etc. But here it is. In your face and working like a MOTHERFUCKER. If she had only been gifted with a better natural speaking voice, she might get ALL the votes before she was through.
Here’s the scoop, folks.
This country went for a Magic Western Hero last time.
And he turned out to be more like Hud than they had bargained for.
Here is Rove on his first meeting with Butchie Boy.
(A suppressed homoerotic relationship gone awry? ? Butch and Turd Blossom? Naaaaahhhh!!!)
And that is how Rove sold him.
He sold him as he SAW him.
As the Marlboro Man come ‘a ridin’ outta the West to save ‘Murrica from them Islamic injuns.
Bet on it.
This is ALL about image, this electoral thing as it stands today in TV America.
America’s butched-out hardon done got slapped down these last eight years or so, so now it’s looking for a nice, maternal fuck.
And here it is, babies.
Her ad people know it.
Her makeup people SURELY know it.
And SHE damned well knows it as well.
Hillary in ’08.
Bet on it.
SHE knows what she’s selling. All’s we can do is hope that she means it when she says “I love you.”
Have fun…
It’s going to be an interesting ride.
If she would only admit her vote on Iraq was wrong? c’mon unless the war in Iraq is a vast right wing conspiracy.
The last thing we need is another president that can’t admit to mistakes. She’s been so stuborn on what should have been a long forgotten minor admission, that she may not be able to come back.