Education doesn’t make you a winner-picker:
A new Gallup poll found that Sen. Barack Obama has much higher support among the most educated voters while Sen. Hillary Clinton receives more support from those with a high school diploma or less.
However, while support among educated elites may be responsible in part for Obama’s excellent fundraising, it will not necessarily translate to electoral victory. Gallup points out that in the previous three election cycles the democratic candidate receiving the most support from the most educated — Howard Dean in 2004, Bill Bradley in 2000, and Bob Kerrey in 1992 — did not go on to win the party’s nomination (despite a boost in fundraising). The last democrat to win the nomination with similar skewing in support by education was Michael Dukakis in 1988.
Nor does it keep you from thinking Bob Kerrey is a good candidate. Discuss.
He needs to expand his base especially if he wants to do well in Iowa or New Hampshire (which he really needs to do). Being the candidate of the well educated is a good thing in my opinion, but it does not translate to as many votes as other demographics might.
It does translate into more money as you pointed out, and that he is the candidate of the young will translate into more volunteers. He needs to use those resources to broaden his base.
I thought the educated went for Tsongas. What do I know?
I had thought it was a foregone conclusion that the rich picked them?
(and maybe I’m not as educated as I thought I was because I would prefer Edward by a slim margin)
OK, so it’s going to be Clinton vs Romney, now what are you going to talk about for the next nine months?
It’s a simple formula, the person with the most money buys the nomination (and usually the election as well).
Hillary’s cleavage, and her cookies.