FBI Director Mueller’s notes contradicts Gonzales.
Laura Rozen has more.
Yep. Cheney is not to be left behind and he’s not just lurking. Go read the notes p 6 of 6.
Money graph:
During their bedside meeting with Mr. Ashcroft, Mr. Gonzales and Mr. Card tried to obtain his signature on a presidential order reauthorizing the program. Mr. Comey, acting as attorney general during Mr. Ashcroft’s hospitalization, had declined to sign the reauthorization, he said, because he believed that part of the program was illegal.
During the meeting, Mr. Ashcroft rebuffed the White House entreaties to sign the directive. Mr. Comey was present during that session, and Mr. Mueller’s notes show that Mr. Comey then briefed the F.B.I. director on Mr. Ashcroft’s remarks. Mr. Ashcroft, the notes said, reviewed his legal objections to the eavesdropping program and complained to Mr. Gonzales and Mr. Card that he had been “barred from obtaining the advice he needed on the program by the strict compartmentalization rules of the WH,” a reference to the extreme secrecy imposed by the White House.
Laura suggests
“There’s a solution no one has thought of here. Congress needs to come back and pass legislation to make perjury no longer a crime. If Gonzales is the example of how you are allowed to lie to Congress, just take it off the books as a crime. Did anyone ever think of that? The Judge Alberto Gonzales Lying is a Sometimes Necessary Form of Protected Free Speech Act of 2007.”
Katrina victims – some got help but, for some – years later are still living in trailers – no friends in high places.
“Mississippi Governor’s Associates Profit From Katrina Recovery”
The $15 billion or more in federal aid the former Republican national chairman attracted has reopened casinos and helped residents move to new or repaired homes.
Among the beneficiaries are Barbour’s own family and friends, who have earned hundreds of thousands of dollars from hurricane-related business. A nephew, one of two who are lobbyists, saw his fees more than double in the year after his uncle appointed him to a special reconstruction panel. Federal Bureau of Investigation agents in June raided a company owned by the wife of a third nephew, which maintained federal emergency- management trailers.
Who approved these payments?
Pentagon Paid $998,798 to Ship Two 19-Cent Washers (Update3)
And of Money
Snow man out of money and won’t be shoveling any more snow.: Tony Snow is resigning because he is running out of money
says the snow man
SNOW: No, I’m not going to be…I’ve already made it clear I’m not going to be able to go the distance, but that’s primarily for financial reasons. I’ve told people when my money runs out, then I’ve got to go.
Fed-Uturn: When is a lack of confidence leading to panic a calamity?
Bernanke takes to his helicopter, throws bags of cash at the Stock Market.
At the opening Bell: Stocks climb on Fed rate cut…loses steam… who can keep up with this turmoil? But this (fed action ) is all merely cosmetic writes Nouriel Roubini: The Fed Has Already Cut the Fed Funds Rate…to 4.79%
Selected cartoons from McClatchy
Here is my PICK
What’s yours?
Yea, this has my vote for:
The Judge Alberto Gonzales Lying is a Sometimes Necessary Form of Protected Free Speech Act of 2007.
He should be proud. Very.
You’d think he’d get the message. Show us your back ..follow the snow man.
this looks like a good place to put it, thanks for starting today, idredit.
BushCo™eliminates the middle
man. clik
the multiple and extended tours of iraq, for example, continue to have a negative impact on not only recruitment, but the deteriorating mental health of the survivors:
don’t mention, my pleasure.
that photo trumps mine on the subject in that yours can be displayed in a public forum. Mine is double nested – ground level for voters, pols climb the stairway.
and the number of wounded is putting serious stress on the medal mfgrs…they can’t keep up:
guess they spent all their money on washers and screws….
BushCo™ tries the “trust us…” gambit, one more time
but the ninth circuit court in san francisco ain’t buyin’ that shit no more:
damned liberal courts!
don’t plan on any resolution of this issue until long after chimpy’s departure.
Oh yes we would.
Lies are the nails that built this administration. Layer by layer.
arthur silber’s latest, and last according to him, essay on iran, the next great adventure, coming soon to a theatre of war near you: