Peter Brown of the Politico seems super-excited by the Draft Thompson effort, mainly it seems because it gives him a chance to gush about Eisenhower. And we know how much everybody liked Ike. Brown also doesn’t seem to remember Gen. Wesley Clark, but he was a Democrat, everybody is well aware that Democrats don’t count.

Or is that can’t count? It’s hard to keep track sometimes whether they mean to insult our very existence, or merely our numeracy.

But this, this is true comedy:

… Today, the frustration is with a Republican president who will not be on the ballot. And Bush’s GOP affiliation will make it more difficult for someone such as Thompson to benefit politically from the widespread unhappiness in the country. …

“Bush’s GOP affiliation”!!? Like we didn’t all know that Bush’s so-called Texas swagger was caused by having so many GOP noses affixed permanently to his backside? Now he’s just an affiliate. Engaging in Republican affiliated program activities, if you will.

And moreover, an affiliate whose behavior has somewhat mysteriously tarnished the Republican brand, as if regrettably by association. However could that have happened?

Surely not because the rest of the Republicans have spent the last six and a bit years marching in lockstep with him, hanging on his every word, refusing to check his outrageous abuses of power or exercise the barest of oversight, encouraging his warmongering and obscene waste of the public treasury, and praising him as loudly as possible every time they could be found near an open mic. That can’t have had anything whatever to do with the fact that it’s hard out there for a Republican who wants to politically benefit from a public unhappiness directly caused by the man whose boots their party has been busy licking to a fine, mirrored glow.

It’s enough to make a girl miss the agonies of the calculus. Discuss.