Hi folks.  Sorry I’ve not been over here in a while — life’s been a little challenging, and I’d been forced to limit online time and participation.  As things clear up, however, I’m trying to get back in the game.

I was hoping to pop the following into an Open Thread, but I think this is worth burning a diary on for the sake of promoting a good discussion.  People here and on the European Tribune are well-informed, and could offer some great insights — particularly due to the nature of the discussion and the unique perspectives available here.  

(Hence, I’m also posting this over on the European Tribune.)

…I’ll check back and comment here, too, if folks discuss the topic here instead.
There’s an interesting discussion going on over at ePluribus Media today — a story by Craig Weiller, originally posted on Saturday, has been bumped and promoted to the front page of the Community site for more discussion.

Entitled The End of Capitalism, it extends and expands the discussion I originally started in the piece Is Capitalism in Dire Straits, Or Is It The Greed and Lust for Power?; comments are now beginning to touch upon things like

  1. Corporate Personhood
  2. Limited Capitalism
  3. “Responsible” and sustainable capitalism
  4. Proposed Constitutional amendments

Please hop on over and give it a read; add comments and join in.

I think there’s a lot to discuss, and we’d love to see other commenters.  If you think the discussion merits more feedback and have a BuzzIt account, please click the BuzzIt button at the top of the article, too.

Thank you.