Recent Posts
- Day 14: Louisiana Senator Approvingly Compares Trump to Stalin
- Day 13: Elon Musk Flexes His Muscles
- Day 12: While Elon Musk Takes Over, We Podcast With Driftglass and Blue Gal
- Day 11: Harm of Fascist Regime’s Foreign Aid Freeze Comes Into View
- Day 10: The Fascist Regime Blames a Plane Crash on Nonwhite People
Finally remembered to post a new cafe…
Is it vodka:30 yet?
This is disturbing.
Why is it disturbing? A quick look at mariscat’s page (which I found by Googling) shows a Top Ten Clicks bar on the right hand side with no. 10 being a link to your “When is it OK to abandon the Dems” diary.
I assume someone clicked on that link and it brought them here (or at least to that thread).
Actually, it’s just “Top Clicks”. You can see it here (scroll way down) right under the “Calendar”.
I thought it was funny that someone in the Office of the President at UC Davis was reading Marisacat…
Actually, it was just someone at UCDavis, any ISP for the school would be authorized by the Office of the President. The Office of the President wouldn’t have a separate ISP.
I used to work as an Ed. Tech. Spec. for Universities, and most of the big ones have their own servers and essentially host themselves.
This is a conservative Democrat with enough iconoclastic ideas to make him look interesting to me. I don’t agree with a lot of what he has to say, but some of it is dead on. From this district? I’d take a long look at him.
Are you trying to be funny?
The part about “No person under the age of 18 should be allowed a “voluntary” medical treatment without parental or legal guardian consent.” is code for “I’ll be happy to regulate abortion out of existence, all the wile saying I’m pro-choice”, you know.
I know. At least, I interpreted it to mean that he supports parental consent laws.
That’s the reason I have a heavy bias against him. But his ideas on foreign basing are exactly what we need, and who better to make the case than 20+ year Marine with vast service experience in the State Dept. and Middle East. BTW- this is Walter ‘Freedom Fries’ Jones’ seat and I think it covers Okracoke.
Nice pic CG. I’ll add to the water theme.
Bruny Island, Tasmania.
lots and lots of water.
I like the way the iridescent green stripe separates and sets off the waves.
I think Imogen took that picture.
Here’s something we found on that beach.
Little Penguin footprints.
I could go for a beach and some waves today.
Many parts are edible.
(Damn, now I want some GrapeNuts, and they don’t sell them here.)
MMM…..they taste like wild hickory nuts.
Nature Boy ate pine needles while he almost starved to death the one day he ran out of food. Hehe. Guess who’s been watching Man vs. Wild?
The really new needles aren’t too bad. Avoid the old woody ones, though.
I used to harvest the occasional pine nut from our grey pines (which have cones the size and weight of a pineapple), but you have to be very hungry to make it worth the effort. Also, don’t stand under a grey pine tree when the cones are falling.
We have longleaf pines here in NC that have very large, heavy and SHARP cones, so I know what you’re talking about. Dang, one of those could kill a person.
Nice water pics, Andi and keres.
Speaking of water, it appears to have stopped raining for basically the first time since Sunday morning! Woo-hoo!
Rain? What is this thing called rain? They now say it will take 15 inches of rain to catch up with where we should be and it’s been the hottest august on record. Good lord I am missing Cleveland in January.
Morning, CG. My last boy starts his senior year on Monday. When do your boys start school again?
I think we got your fifteen inches of rain this week. Wish I could have sent a day of it your way. :/
We start later up here: CBtY starts the day after labor day, and CBtE starts on the 10th.
Wow, last year for the last boy. How are you feeling? I know it’s not the same, but I remember having a bittersweet feeling when CBtY was almost old enough to go to school all day, and I thought it was sort of the end of an era.
Definitely big changes on the horizon for me.
My mom always says that she felt like it was finally her turn to do things for herself when we all were out of the house.
We’ll see about that. She undoubtedly had more courage than I have.
It’s still hot (100 yesterday, 100 today), we’re still in the drought, and I still hate summer — so I’ve got no ‘good’ to on offer.
And we awoke to frozen pipes and alpacas with frosty fleeces.
I can’t wait until we get to complain about the heat while all you northern types complain about the cold.
Good morning, keres!
..we awoke to frozen pipes and alpacas with frosty fleeces
Is this usual, or is spring late this year?
The weather this year has been all over the place, but hard over-night frosts this time of year are not unusual.
The most atypical aspect of this year’s weather has been the lack of rain. We’re finally starting to get some, but we’re still way behind the yearly average. The alpaca’s are having a hard go of it with the grass being very slow growing and our having to keep moving them around in order to keep from them from damaging the pastures. We bought hay for them, but they really prefer green grass and will only eat the hay in desperation.
Are your winters (mainly) without snow, then?
(..the grass being very slow growing)
We only get snow at altitude. Which means most Tasmanians have to drive up the mountains to see it up close.
We’re about a thousand feet above sea-level at our place, so we get a light dusting of snow maybe once every winter.
Most of Tasmania falls into the “temperate” category. The west coast and the southeast get the bulk of the rain and have fern forests and giant eucalyptus trees as a result. In the southwest (almost a third of the state) is a National Park/World Heritage Area that’s very mountainous. There are a few roads that were put in so that they could build the dams that provide water to Hobart. Other than that, it’s mostly walking trails and real wilderness. The central plateau, where we live, it the driest part of the state, and most used for sheep grazing.
Morning keres.
I would settle for a light dusting of snow anytime. Hell I would settle for temps in the high 80’s at the moment. Hope ya’ll are staying warm.
Today’s predicted high is 17C. Woohoo. I might be able to go outside without a jacket. Actually, it’s look like it will be a beautiful sunny day today and similarly good weather for the weekend (much of which I will spend up to my knees in a trench or under the house running pipes).
To have 17C here, I would be happy to be running pipes under the house.
Who the hell am I kidding? I don’t think any temp would get me to do that. 🙂
Fortunately, it’s a bigish crawl space. And, I’m only running polypipe, so I won’t be using a blow torch.
Albert is in fine fettle this morning. There’s much darting about the house and jumping on and off the couch, etc.
I haven’t seen a picture of Albert in awhile. How are his teeth doing? Still having problems?
Albert’s been having a gurgly belly of late. We think his teeth might be bothering him again because he doesn’t seem to want to eat his roughage – hence the belly rumblings. Imogen gave him some flax seed oil this morning – in case he’s got a furball.
He acts OK, so we’re just keeping an eye on things for now.
Good morning, there!
It truly sounds like a fascinating place to travel to – whether scenery, flora or fauna (as your pictures so often have showed us) – not within the current budget, though.
Keep putting your change in a jar and you’ll get here someday. We have a guest bedroom and entertaining house pets, what more could you want?
room service? 😉
Sure, if by room service you mean someone pounding on your door to say crepes (the house breakfast specialty) are ready.
I could live with that. 😉
I’ll be right there.
See you all in about two hours (at which point I promise to put up the dog blog). I’m off to the local primary school to work with the kiddie-winkies (grades 5-6) on a local history project.
Maybe one day after the kids are through college…
I sincerely hope you don’t have to complain about 4 weeks in the 90s/100s.
And unlike summer, I like winter (except February which is dreary and gray).
That would be beyond unusual for Tasmania. Summer highs don’t usually get much above 85F.
Growing up in California, I’m a summer girl through and through. I like the heat, as long as it’s a dry heat. Tasmania is the kind of place where we joke about missing summer because it didn’t come on a weekend this year. Still, Tasmania’s weather is mild overall, and given climate change, that’s a good starting point.
Sound like Tasmania might be close to my idea of a perfect weather place — one where there are 4 seasons with winter never got colder than 20 and summer never got hotter than 80.
Your ideal temperature range is much more generous than mine, which is 45 to 75. Back in Cleveland that meant October and May. Here in NC it includes those as well as Nov. Feb, March and April….so I guess I traded up.
It actually looks like it might rain this morning but i don’t want to jinx it.
ah, so you’re a four season person too — mid-spring, late spring, early fall, mid-fall.
Man are things brown around here, and the trees are dropping leaves already. I’m afraid it’s going to be a dull autumn.
Same here — lots of dead and dying leaves. Ah well, the dogs will be happy because it means I won’t mess up the walk by stopping to take pictures of all the pretty colors.
I’ll take those 4 seasons. Who needs the high summer humidity?
Here’s the temperature profile for Oatlands, which is about a half-an-hour drive north of us. Remember our winter and summers are inversed to those of the northern hemisphere.
0 32
5 41
10 50
15 59
20 68
25 77
30 86
35 95
40 104
Mean maximum temperature (°C)
January 21.7
February 21.8
March 19.4
April 16.0
May 12.5
June 10.1
July 9.4
August 10.6
Sept 12.8
October 15.2
November 17.5
December 19.5
Mean minimum temperature (°C)
January 8.7
February 8.6
March 7.5
April 5.7
May 3.4
June 1.6
July 1.1
August 1.8
September 3.1
October 4.6
November 6.1
December 7.7
Morning, Andi!
What a difference, we barely made it out of the 50s yesterday – a bit warmer today, though.
Damn, I am jealous. We don’t get a “break” until Saturday when the high is only going to be 91. 🙁
Hi ask!
Of course, we’re going to get the hot and humid stuff back in time for the weekend…
Hi CG!
That’s August in the NE..
Morning everyone.
Sorry to hear about everyone’s weather. By Saturday we’re supposed to have a cool crisp high of 97. We’ve been hitting record highs all this month.
Hope everyone has a pleasant day.
ok all you old [or not] hippies…get out the tie dye’s, bellbottoms and love beads…the 40th Anniversary Celebration of the Summer of Love is coming up…
tune in, turn on and drop out…
Hiya dada.
I seemed to have missed the Summer of Love, or I just don’t remember it. A lot of things I don’t remember from back then. 😉
Ah, if only I still had my embroidered red tunic with its long angel wing sleeves … or my roach clip.
Good morning or is it good night Andi.
I’ve still got my jean coat from back then, but I haven’t been able to fit into it since back then.
I’m just up a little early but I saw from making my blogging rounds that it should be good night for you.
I’m about the same size but it wouldn’t matter — when I like something I wear until it’s just about rags.
Nope I’m doing what happens after a migraine. I try and sleep as much as I can during one, so when it’s finally over I have a day or two of not being able to sleep. It goes in cycles.
I’m the same way on wear something until it goes into rags, just wish I could get back into that jean coat. 🙂
At least that gives you plenty of time to figure out what to make FMom for breakfast.
BTW, I think a spectator at the circus would be a great second career for you. 😉
I never know what to make for her until she tells me what she wants. Very picky eater.
I would love to have a second career as a circus spectator, but I wonder how the pay is. Can’t expect me to go out there and enjoy myself without being paid for it. 🙂
Yeah, I’ve always wanted a career where I was paid for reading books (not reviewing them, just reading them).
Well since I know I’ll never be paid to watch a circus, I’m putting my faith in Publisher’s Clearing House. I keep looking out my window everyday expecting to see that van pull up. Of course I’m sure they’ll catch me on one of the days I sleep late, and I’m looking all bedraggled. But I figure for that kind of money, what the heck.
Jim’s strategy is Powerball tickets — no surprise visits for him.
Well, I’ve got to take the dogs for a walk in the semi-dark before I go take the car over to Bloomington to get it worked on and then sit around to wait for it to be done.
See ya.
Sorry, couldn’t resist!
The cafe definitely needed a pootie pic…
How’s your summer going? Been playing with your D40 much?
Not as much as I would like! I have spent the summer training and have just started teaching an online class for the University of Phoenix called Communication Skills for Graduate Students. It’s pretty intense, but so far my hands are holding up. CTS all gone knock on wood. Takes up a lot of my internet energy, though. Who knew I was actually learning professional skills hanging out on political blogs?
Any photo outings on your end?
I’m glad to hear your CTS is under control. That must have been awful to go through. And the online class sounds interesting (and way better than that job with the awful boss last year!)
I took my camera to the outer banks earlier this month, and the photo up top is from that trip. I have since learned about neutral density and polarizing filters – and how great they make sky pictures look – from olivia (she’s got some great shots where she’s been using filters on her blog) and now I think I want to experiment with those.
I also got some great shots of CBtY and his fishing buddy while we were there: Link
Really cool pics, Wow! I love the one up top, too. Serene. I haven’t been back to Descanso Gardens for a while but was amazed at how well the D40 did indoors at The Getty where flash photography is not allowed.
Unfortunately, I did not record the name of the artist, but it was taken at this exhibit.
I’m way late for this (or way early) but — Hi MM!
Hi back to you, AndiF!
Very nice.
Any lounger lurkers, because I just recently saw this tab. cool
Hi! Of course, you’re probably gone now. 🙂
Unfortunately it’s still hot, it’s still hasn’t rained, and I still hate summer. Hope it’s way better wherever you are.
Morning, Andi!
Hot here as well, we’ll hit mid-90s.