I just scanned the Sunday morning papers and there isn’t a damn thing of much interest. The Sunday morning talk lineup features Sen. John Warner (R-VA) on Meet the Press and John and Elizabeth Edwards on Face the Nation. Those might be worth watching. Obama has announced a plan to fix New Orleans. The biggest news is, of course, that the DNC has stripped Florida of its delegates. If we don’t get that fixed we’ll severely undermine our chances of winning the state next November. Florida is like a curse.
But, if Florida is bad, Iraq is worse:
When Rep. Jan Schakowsky made her first trip to Iraq this month, the outspoken antiwar liberal resolved to keep her opinions to herself. “I would listen and learn,” she decided.
At times that proved a challenge, as when Deputy Prime Minister Barham Salih told her congressional delegation, “There’s not going to be political reconciliation by this September; there’s not going to be political reconciliation by next September.” Schakowsky gulped — wasn’t that the whole idea of President Bush’s troop increase, to buy time for that political progress?
But the real test came over a lunch with Gen. David H. Petraeus, who used charts and a laser pointer to show how security conditions were gradually improving — evidence, he argued, that the troop increase is doing some good.
Still, the U.S. commander cautioned, it could take another decade before real stability is at hand. Schakowsky gasped. “I come from an environment where people talk nine to 10 months,” she said, referring to the time frame for withdrawal that many Democrats are advocating. “And there he was, talking nine to 10 years.”
Schakowsky emerged with more resolve to start bringing the troops home.
David Broder continues to pimp for a Bloomberg-Hagel ticket. If you didn’t already know, Broder is suffering from the early onset of Bovine spongiform encephalopathy. Or something.
At least Broder isn’t advocating imprecatory prayer.
Oh..and this Congress is getting more done than Newt Gingrich’s 1995 Congress. Hard to believe, but true.
Here’s a nightmare scenario.
Let’s say that Florida cannot fix their primary date in the next 30 days and they do not get to send their delegates to Denver for the convention.
Let’s also say that Florida holds an election anyway, even though their delegates will not be seated.
And let’s say that the Clinton/Obama/Edwards contest is close enough that the Florida delegates would have changed the outcome.
Could disenfranchised Florida voters change history a second time?
If you live in Florida you WILL vote for whoever the Republicans want you to vote for. Or you will not vote at all.
And the D’s are HELPING with this…
Because of course the democrat party is on our side.
off the listed topics, but US news has a tiny report (a whisper) that Abu gonzales will be stepping down soon and chertoff will take his place
“…..Why Chertoff? Officials say he’s got fans on Capitol Hill, is untouched by the Justice prosecutor scandal, and has more experience than Gonzales did, having served as a federal judge and assistant attorney general.”
i wonder what people here think about that choice.
so she witnessed first hand the incredible use of language to twist the facts! Big effing deal. Like she didn’t know this before going to Iraq. Now she will come back to congress and be whipped by the gooper bullshit machine and she will once again discover that she has no way to get her info out to the public. Ya know what she should do?
She should go back to her district and she should set up a series of meetings that cover every single street in her district AND, at these meetings she should inform the audiences that ther are very few choices left for them. That they should picket in their district. That they should boycott whenever possible, every single product and service that also support the conflict in Iraq. That they should prepare to march to Washington DC to inform the president of the USA that they have had it!
Now, if they and all the other dem congress people approached the Iraq situation in such a manner, Maybe just maybe ther is a possible flicker of hope.
In honor of David Broder, the common name (Mad cow disease) of Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease should be changed to Mad Broder Disease.
Once again, it seems, the Shrub administration is in good company.
Aug. 26, 2007, 7:59AM
Report: N. Korea building fence to keep people in
Okay, this is reported as “keep people in” where Shrub’s is reported as “keep people out” but the difference is semantic. Soon, it may not even be THAT.