Strangely appropriate if you are familiar with Dr. Strangelove: Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb:

Mandrake is marched out of Ripper’s office at gunpoint by the gung-ho Guano to the main gate. Sexually-anxious like Ripper was, Guano assesses the situation and blames not the Commies – but “preverts” [his assessment is absolutely correct – Ripper was a prevert!]. He suspects that Mandrake is one of them:

“I think there’s some kind of deviated prevert. And I think General Ripper found out about your preversion and that you were organizing some kind of mutiny of preverts….All I was told to do was get General Ripper on the phone with the President of the United States.”

As next in command after Ripper, Mandrake insists on talking to the President by phone in a nearby phone booth. He threatens Guano:

“And I can assure you, if you don’t put that gun away and stop this stupid nonsense, the court of Enquiry on this’ll give you such a pranging, you’ll be lucky if you end up wearing the uniform of a bloody toilet attendant.”

What’s your theory for why there are so may preverts in the Republican Party?