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- Day 14: Louisiana Senator Approvingly Compares Trump to Stalin
- Day 13: Elon Musk Flexes His Muscles
- Day 12: While Elon Musk Takes Over, We Podcast With Driftglass and Blue Gal
- Day 11: Harm of Fascist Regime’s Foreign Aid Freeze Comes Into View
- Day 10: The Fascist Regime Blames a Plane Crash on Nonwhite People
Yoo-hoo, over here!
SO everyone is having quiet holiday weekends? We’re having a BBQ Sunday, and are invited to another party Saturday, but we’re not going anywhere.
Nice picture up top. Is that yours or Andi.
No plans at all here. I’m going to take it easy. Yeah what new. 🙂
Praise Jeebus! CBtE is mowing the lawn!
Guess that means I better start my day.
omg! Does he have a fever? A fever for more cowbell? Sorry, I’ve just never experienced a teenager awake before noon on a non-school day.
He’s bored, and he gave me some lip last night, so I think he’s hoping he can stll get together with his friends if he’s cheerfully finished all of his chores today.
He still has another 10 days till school starts.
Teenagers are lippy? Hmmm, who woulda thought?
Mine are all back at school now, high school and college. It’s very quiet around here except for the dog and cat
That sounds like heaven to me…for the first week anyway. 🙂
CG there’s something to be said for a prolonged period of quiet in the house. 🙂
SN if you want, I think I could divert some rels up your way so it wouldn’t be so quiet. 🙂
Ah, hmm…let me think about that for a minu….NO!
Oh SN just think of all the fun you would have. All the cleaning and cooking for them. It wouldn’t be boring. 🙂
I’ve been cleaning and cooking since I was 19…I’ve had enough, thank you very much. Maybe I’ll move in across the street from you and Mama and you can have the joy of waiting on me and cleaning up after me. Of course, my sparkling personality would more than make up for it.
We just got through with the worst thunderstorm. We definitely need the rain, but I can do without all the lighting. Wish I could send some rain to Andi.
Fmom and I would love to have you across the street. However, no cleaning. 🙂
I’m kind of burnt out on the cleaning and cooking thing too. I’m also tired of wondering why the dishwasher needs to be emptied and filled twice a day in the summer…is it Tuesday yet? 🙂
If I remember correctly, teenage boys never quit eating, hence the dishes. What are you going to do Tuesday to celebrate?
Hi CG.
Yep I’m burned out too, but happy it’s only FMom and myself I’m doing the cleaning and cooking for at the moment.
I take it you could use a little break. 🙂
Send some thunderstorms this-a-way please. We need rain and I really need a cooling off. I have never been so damn ready for Fall.
Yes Mam, one thunderstorm coming up. 🙂
I think this year just about everybody is ready for fall. I saw on the news that Phoenix set a record for days at 110. We’ve had some hundred plus days, but I can’t imagine living in that weather for that long.
It’s been relentless all August. Only one day was below 90 and we’ve had 12 days of over 100 and absolutely no rain. Maybe one cloudy day out of the whole month. Even the birds on my deck are panting and the squirrels are so funny…they flatten themselves out and lie on their tummies on the railing just trying to cool off. They crack me up.
I haven’t seen that many squirrels in out backyard this summer. I guess they decided it was too hot to climb down the tree.
However there was this one squirrel……
LOL…love that pic!
Glad you enjoyed it. 🙂
I love that.
And yes, I am about ready for a break from all the togetherness. I have some new work opportunities with old coworkers, and I’m ready to be able to focus on work for more than 2 or 3 hours at a time again.
Plus, the dishes and food problem.
Happy to hear about the new work opportunities.
Dishes and food will always be a problem. It’s just the size of the problem that matters.
Good morning all. Leaving Az tomorrow, then to New Mexico for a couple days. “See” you soon.
Hey boran.
I guess that means your vacation is over by Labor Day – hope you had/have a relaxing time.
but a lovely Saturday, none the less.
It’s sunny and reasonably warm outside – except for the windy bits.
We’ve got some spinach seedlings that need planting, and I need to lay out all my pipe so I can work out what fittings I still need to get. Oh, and laundry needs doing, but that’s a given on any sunny day.
Morning keres.
It’s dark, cloudy and hot outside. I’ll be glad when we switch seasons. 🙂
Sounds like you got a little bit of work ahead of you.
to everyone who has Monday off.
And now I’m outta here for the day — we’re going to help my m-i-l move from one apartment in her retirement community to another.
See ya.
Hi/bye Andi.
Don’t overdo it on the moving, and hope you have a good w/e.
School starts tuesday, which means getting up at 5:30 to make it to a 7:30 “natural resource management” class via public transit. On the plus side, I’ve been told it’s an easy A — which usually means I’ll do something stupid and get a C.
It’s still too damned hot here.
Hi Spit.
Sorry it’s still hot there. We’re finally starting to cool of down here.
Better really enjoy this weekend before school starts.
Once again I am apologizing for not being around much. LOL I really do miss hanging out in the pond and all my great friends. I have still been living the old Chinese curse & blessing- “May You Live In Interesting Times.”
Just before I thought I was going to have to beg my Mom to let me move home at age 48, I finally landed a job!!!! What is even better is I am working for a political consulting firm as their office manager. I finally get to mix my passion and my employment!!!!!
The next hurdle was to find a new home for the Diva Dogs and I. The friend I have been staying with since late May had set a Sept. 1st deadline for me to find a new place. No problems- we are still great friends but enough is enough for anyone. LOL I went and looked at a great apartment yesterday that is really close to work and in the most liberal neighborhood in Austin!!! I filled out paper work and will know if it is mine by Tuesday and be moving in Friday or Saturday!!!! My dear sweet friend understands the delay and I have a roof over my head till I can get moved.
Anyone who wants to send a housewarming present is welcome to. LOL
I hope things have been going well for everyone in the pond!!!!
Wow! That job sounds fantastic and right up your alley, RF. I’ll keep my fingers crossed about the house, but I’m glad you and the Divas have such good friends in the mean time.
Thanks!!!! I am so excited and do have some of the best friends in the world!!!! I am still going to go look at another apartment today but the one I saw yesterday is the one I want. LOL
That’s wonderful news, rf!
Good luck with the apartment this week.
Sorry I missed you this am RF. Glad to hear everything is starting to work out.
Hey FM. What’s on the grill for you and FMom?
Not a single bit of grilling here. I just went and got a couple of barbque sandwiches for dinner, but that’s about it.
How has you’re w/e been going?
I’ve had a very enjoyable weekend so far. Mr. Nature went to the cottage to finally finish his book which was supposed to be at the publisher’s two months ago, and the boys are I are hanging around the house eating too much…okay, that was just me….and playing Guitar Hero.
I didn’t know Mr. Nature was working on a book.
What’s Guitar Hero?
Guitar Hero is probably the most awesome video game ever invented. The controllers are guitars and you play along with really awesome songs like Freebird, Cherry Pie and others by the Stones, Clapton, Skynyrd, etc….and you have to “hit” the notes to score points and you can either play one player or against someone else. It’s almost more fun to watch than it is to play.
This is the first I’ve heard about that. It sounds like fun, plus you’re getting to learn the song as you play.
Here’s Wiki’s description:
Sounds like a lot of fun, but too much effort for me. I wouldn’t mind being a spectator though. 🙂
HI SN. I am glad you are having a good weekend. We need to hear more about this book. LOL
No….trust me, you don’t need to hear about it. It’s a boring technical book.
Okay, I will pass on a techno geek book. LOL
Hi Familyman!!! Sorry I missed you also. Thanks ofr the well wishes. Please give Fmom a hug for me and a special treat to George.
Once you get settled in, hopefully we’ll be seeing more of you around. From the sounds of it, you’ve got the perfect job for you.
Yes, I plan to be around more and I am loving my job!!!
You’re lucky if you’ve found a job you love. Very few people do.
What I’m waiting for is Tuesday, to see if you got the apartment.
Same here. The apartment is perfect for the Diva Dogs and I. Perfect location, price, closeness to work… you name it. The only way it would be more perfect is if someone was paying my rent for me. LOL Of course it will be sparsely furnished as I lost most of my furniture back last spring but starting over can be kind of interesting.
Having little or nothing to start out again with is sometimes a curse and a blessing. I’ve got so much junk here, that to start out fresh again would be nice. However, hold on to your old stuff is just comforting in a way.
Well, I have the sentimental things and some basics but little to no furniture. LOL I also have to get them from one city where they are in storage here but will deal with that when I know I have the place. There are lots of little funky shops in the area I am moving to so I can start slow and buy things I really like and want.
The tough part will be sleeping on the air mattress for a couple more months till I can afford a bed. LOL
Just look back on it as your camping period. 🙂
I was not a camper when I was young and I hate it even worse as an adult. LOL
I’ve enjoyed what camping I’ve done, but you can always say if anyone ask if you’ve been camping, that you had your camping period and that was enough. 🙂
If Craigslist is really active in your city you can find a ton of good stuff for cheap or free.
I plan to check it out and also yard and estate sales and junk shops. LOL
I have a conference call to attend so I will check back later if I can.
I’m sorry I missed you but I’m sure glad to read about your good news. A happy Labor Day to you indeed.
I hope everyone is enjoying their warm weather. You know how I said Spring had finally sprung? Well, our spring sprung back and temps are in the 40’s today, with occasional rain – which feels more like sleet if you are out in it. Wheeeeee.
Imogen is in Brisbane, and I’m in a freezing house (I could light the fire, but I’m going out soon) with a snoring dog and a cranky rabbit.
Morning keres.
I’ll take some of that weather please. 🙂
Its been an enjoyable day here. Temps in the high 80s. I guess there’s nothing like a cranky rabbit to get you going.
Actually it’s the prospect of trying to get all of my project parts from Hobart and surrounds that is getting me going. There’s nothing like living on an island in Australia. Especially having lived in California most of my life. Chances are they never heard of what I’m looking for, or if they’ve heard of it they don’t have it. Or, they may have carried it at one time, but they don’t now, etc. Makes shopping a hellish, and protracted, and frustrating experience. Oh, and if they do have it, it’s three times the cost of what I would have paid for it in the US.
I guess that’s the price you pay for living in paradise. 🙂
I got on google earth the other day and looked up Hobart. It looks like a nice city.
It is a lovely city, as far as cities go. And it is indeed the price one pays.
Hi, keres. Nothing you can buy online?
Some things yes, most things no. Online shopping is still finding it’s feet in Australia, especially for non-consumer items like plumbing parts.
In Australia, it’s actually illegal to do your own electrical work, so it’s even harder finding electrical parts, online or otherwise. And, I refuse to pay exorbitant electricians prices for simple [for me, anyway] wiring jobs).
to everyone who has the day off.
Do you have the day off?
And I see (I’ve just been over at Head’s and Olivia’s) that you’ve had the night on.
Yep been up since about 1:00 am. It seems like an early day for both FMom and me. She’s up eating breakfast now.
Got any big plans for the day?
We’ve still got wood to split so that’s the main item on the agenda.
So have you got the first nap scheduled?
I was going to ask about the wood. Sounds like an unslackerly day.
First nap coming up soon. Once I get FMom fed and settled in and George outside, it’s nap time.
Not that bad — it’ll only take less than a couple hours to split what’s left and then I’ll stack it a bit at a time over the next few mornings.
Have a nice long nap — I’m off to follow FMom’s lead and have breakfast.
You have a good day Andi. I’m off to my nap.
Morning FM and Andi, and whoever else is up. Happy day off. 🙂
Good morning! Are we the only ones left here?
What are you and the NBs up to today?
Hey CG! We’re doing some cleaning and then we’ll throw something together on the grill for dinner and then C has to drive back down to school mid-afternoon. What about you guys?
The CBs just left with friends to go the Renaissance Faire, and we did our cleaning and barbecuing yesterday, so it’s a lazy day today, with a walk for the dogs and getting the kitchen back in order.
What are you throwing on the grill? How is B’s stomach problem?
First day of school for one boy tomorrow!
Stomach problem is way better thanks to the Rx. I think I’ll marinate and grill a flank steak for fajitas. Yay for school starting! Now if the weather would start to act Fallish I’d be really happy.
Happy Birthday to Man Eegee.
Where’s the cake?
Happy birthday, Manny!
Gracias! I am sunburned.
Mission Accomplished 🙂
So, how many años are we talking about?
graz, keres! veintisiete
But it’s never too late to celebrate with cake and ice cream. And to wish you many, many more happy birthdays.
Morning Andi.
Little Pied Cormorants on a snag in the Derwent river.
yum, that’s perfect. Thanks, Andi! Hope you and Jim are doing good as the summer winds down.