I’m starting to enjoy Robert Novak’s columns. They give a certain kind of satisfaction. For example, I really got a kick out of this:
As measured by offices held, Republicans have been in much worse shape during my half-century of reporting in Washington. The party was a mere remnant after the Democratic landslides of 1958, 1964 and 1974. But never have I seen morale so low.
Not for nothing, but that includes Watergate and LBJ’s landslide election over Goldwater. Novak is calling the GOP the ‘Grim-Old-Party’, and that’s pretty accurate. He might add a couple of adjectives to make it the ‘Grim-Old-White-Dude-Party’, but who am I to complain? Look at this and try not to smile:
The week before Labor Day, when nothing of importance was supposed to happen, brought bad news even as it appeared nothing worse was possible:
The apparent disgrace of Sen. Larry Craig, a former member of the party leadership, was all the worse because several Republican senators and staffers were not a bit surprised. That raises two questions. If so many people knew Craig was an accident waiting to happen, why was he not eased out of office? How many other examples of possibly scandalous behavior are known but hidden?
It wasn’t an ‘apparent’ disgrace, the whole police interview was caught on audio tape and leaked onto the tubes. But I don’t know how they were supposed to ease Craig out of office.
Novak goes on to detail other bad news and to bemoan the state of the GOP’s presidential field before concluding:
Past candidates have succeeded in pointing to corruption in Washington, but always by the opposite party. The Republican Party’s next leader faces a more complicated problem.
I wish Novak wrote 7 columns a week.
Oh, those poor, bedraggled Republicans . . . after raping the US Treasury (a.k.a. your working class and middle class tax dollars) they are sooo down and out these days! AWWWW BAWWW BAWWWWW!!! ๐ ๐
So sorry that so many got away with bloody murder and treasury robbery over, especially the last six, but last 26 years. Boo Hoo Republicans with all their American taxpayer dollars socked away in real estate in Aspen, Palm Beach, Singapore, Switzerland and the Cayman Islands . . . Boo Hoo.
Pour out the tears Novakula, pour them out. And then retire, you scandalous blood sucker. Many an Iraqi, many an Afgan, many a Somali, many a Palestinian, many a Darfurian, many an Indonesian, many, many an American will never be alive to sit on a toilet and flush while you pigs eat hot dogs and white bread buns with corn syrup ketchup.
Tears for the dead and denied, not tears for Republican morale.
Oh dear–this must be one of those “hate-filled” liberal sites I hear certain people going on about.
Well, just to balance things out, I will post something nice about Robert Novak…
I’m almost positive there is no truth to rumors that he drinks the blood of unicorns.
.Another, more sinister motive has been put forth by several sources, including CrimeBlog.us. Reporters there say that Drake was associated with the owner of a gay escort service in the Virginia Beach area. The owners of that escort service are facing charges that they murdered the owner of a rival company catering to the gay community. A source for the Crime Blog reporter states:
“My solid, but unconfirmed, sources say that Drake was trying to hit Gonzalez up for cash to raise money to defend a kid (Harlow Cuadra) who is on trial for murder up in Pennsylvania. The 26 year old “kid” ran a gay escort and porn business in Virginia Beach and may have had several Republican clients-Drake being one. (See http://www.norfolkmaleescorts.com and http://www.boybatter.com). . . My sources say Drake may have approached Gonzalez for funds for Cuadra’s defense, threatening to blow the lid off everything by MAKING THE REPUBLICAN CLIENT LIST OF THE GAY ESCORT BUSINESS PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE.”
More sordid GOP details are available. Meanwhile there are jailed Republicans, dead Republicans, outed Republicans… And McHenry’s office… well, the press secretary is on vacation so they have no comment. I couldn’t get them to put me on the phone with Lil’ Congressman McHenry. maybe he was making preparations for the Republican National Convention.
novakula writes, “The party was a mere remnant after the Democratic landslides of 1958, 1964 and 1974. But never have I seen morale so low.”
folks, are you ready for another landslide?? it’s time to bury the grim old all-white supposedly-hetero testosterone party
Yes Yes Yes!
I prefer to call their party Greedy Old Perverts.