Progress Pond

General Abizaid Says

Consider this my last of the trade magazine series.  This one comes from Military & Areospace Electronics, one of the magazines catering to the military-industrial complex handsomely profiting from our current Iraq catastrophy.

“The US can still win the war on terror and the war in Iraq, but needs to be more a networked force to do so, retired Gen. John Abizaid told the Transformation Warfare Conference last month.”

“The enemy is more networked than we are and his commander’s intent more broadly known than ours” said the former Commander of U.S. Central Command during his address at the conference sponsored by the U.S. Naval Institute, AFCEA International and the AFCEA Hampton Roads and Tidewater Chapters.”

All of this marketing bullshit continues but the main quote I truely take exception with is this one.

“The enemy has that capability, he continued, its version of command and control is the individual cell phone, Abizaid says it’s that simple.”

Ok, first off I highly doubt that people getting perhaps maybe an hour of electricity per day have four bars of cell phone service.

And as a political activist who has dilligently looked into “anonymous” cell phones, the ones which could be used to either contact Congress critters or trigger the release of the ebola virus do not in fact exist.  The company bills you for their “text messages” and when you actually have to make the call to “detonate” the bomb at the “secure” location they tell you your “minutes” have expired.  Yup, the Jihad has been canceled in favor or corporate scamming.

Let us not mention here the bazzilions of dollars spent on assuring the US dominance of the total electronic spectrum of a war theater.

Am I missing some point here or is it just the aroma of the horsemanure pile on a hot summers day.
Even last year I said “Last Summer before Armageddon” and to this day I can’t understand why masses of people are not surrounding 1600 with pitchforks and kerosene soaked torches.  We get what we deserve I guess and in light of this
I have to regret taking all of the stuff out of the camper which would take me and my loved ones to the secure location way back in the woods for a chance at survival.

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