When Steven Walt appeared on NPR’s Fresh Air this September 4th to initiate a national tour with his co-author, John Mearsheimer, of their book, The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy, no one doubted that controversy would follow them, as it did the publication of their original article of the same name in 2006.
On the same Fresh Air show, Walt was followed by Abraham Foxman, national director of the Anti-Defamation League, who was hawking his own book, The Deadliest Lies, which is essentially a response to Mearsheimer and Walt. Foxman argued that Mearsheimer and Walt’s book merely serves as “an attractive new package for disseminating a series of familiar but false beliefs” about Jews and Israel, the theme that Jews control the world. According to Foxman, the book’s theme is false and does little more than stimulate anti-Semitism in the US and elsewhere.
When the Mearsheimer and Walt article first appeared in 2006, Alan Dershowitz replied with his own critique, Debunking the Newest – and Oldest – Jewish Conspiracy: A Reply to the Mearsheimer-Walt “Working Paper”. In short, Dershowitz claimed that the very notion of an Israel Lobby just rehashes the old anti-Semitic canard about Jewish control of the US and the world.
Thus, the notion that criticism of the Israel Lobby, AIPAC and some other right wing proIsrael organizations, is anti-Semitic shadows the recent publication of the Mearsheimer-Walt book, as it did their original article, and will undoubtedly follow them on their book tour.
Is it working?
Terry Walz of the Council for the National Interest Foundation sent out this communication yesterday, with the above title, Israel Lobby Slammed at Start of Book Tour.
John Mearsheimer and Steven Walt, the Chicago/Harvard University professors whose article last year on the Israel Lobby caused an uproar amongst hard line supporters of Israel have started a national book tour in connection with the publication of their book, The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, $26.00), now available.
They made two appearances in Washington, DC on September 5, addressing packed audiences at the Cosmos Club and at the city’s famous bookstore, Politics and Prose. The response was overwhelmingly positive.
At the Cosmos Club event, which I attended, the authors addressed two questions: Is there an Israel Lobby? (Walt) and Is the Lobby’s impact positive or negative? (Mearsheimer). The object was to bear out the thesis of their book, that such a lobby does exist (which had been preposterously denied by Martin Indyk and Dennis Ross in a debate a year earlier at Cooper Union in New York City), and that it has worked extremely well, often to the detriment of both American and Israeli interests.
Walt told the audience how the initial reaction to the article in the London Review of Books in March 2006 had prompted a vociferous response, one that was often laced with charges of anti-Semitism, none of which was true, and “sloppy scholarship”, a charge aimed at demeaning and dismissing the views of the authors. But the response by interested people has been significant. According to the webmaster at the Harvard University website where the longer version of the article was posted, it had been downloaded 265,000 times as of July 2006.
The lobby’s successes in congressional hallways have come by wielding a heavy axe, often forcing nervous congressional representative to realize that criticism aimed at Israel would likely result in electoral defeat at the polls. The lobby’s ability to steer money to their electoral opponents was among the tools the Lobby used without hesitation. In this, it was perhaps no different than other lobbies, which as Walt averred, were “as American as apple pie.”
And yet, the Israel Lobby’s agenda, Mearsheimer stated, has led the United States into an alliance with Israel that in the long run undermines both the strategic interests of the United States in the Middle East as Israel’s own interests within that region. It has also led the American government to hold positions that are not only opposed by the majority of Americans polled – for example, on Jewish settlements in Gaza and the West Bank, on the continued occupation of the West Bank – but also by most peoples in the world. In a post-colonial world, it has tolerated Israel to construct colonies in the West Bank. There is no doubt, Mearsheimer said, that the treatment of the Palestinians by the Israelis was among the reasons that led to the 9/11 attacks, and to continues attacks on American interests. There is also no doubt that, whatever leaders of the Israeli government may have thought, the Lobby solidly backed neoconservative efforts to promote the war on Iraq, which has produced nothing but continued death, destruction, and turmoil in the Middle East, to neither American nor Israeli strategic interests in the area, nor the welfare of the people in the region.
Whatever else happens with the book, the authors concluded, their hope is that it would open up the debate on Israel and the American policy in the Middle East, and move the United States to adopt more sensible policies there.
The 355 page book is backed up by an additional 108 pages of footnotes.
For the list of Mearsheimer and Walt’s upcoming appearances in California (San Francisco, Los Angeles) and elsewhere during September and October, see their website
According to Zogby International, forty percent of American voters believe the Israel Lobby has been a key factor in going to war in Iraq and now confronting Iran. Even higher proportions of Americans believe in a fair and just solution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, a solution that veers from the right wing agenda of the Israel Lobby.
This book has been out a while, and has been fairly thoroughly discredited by competent reviewers. I can’t believe that people are still acting as though it’s a serious piece of research. It’s hardly that. Beyond the numerous factual errors, and it is permeated with them, it is clearly and obvious anti-Semitic. It was written by Americans who aren’t capable of accepting responsibility for their actions, and who therefore need to find someone else to blame.
For those who are interested in the truth, there was another excellent review by Mark Levine debunking this Christian propaganda in the Asia Times today:
“Mearsheimer and Walt seem to know little about the Middle East, Israel’s role in US foreign policy, and what are core US goals and strategic interests in the region. They argue that this is a case of the “tail wagging the dog” – a small client state and its allies in the US leading the US government to engage in policies that are manifestly against its interests because of undue political power.
But this is nonsense. In fact, it is the other way around. The United States has been using Israel to fulfill its policy objectives for decades, from its role as a regional “pillar” (along with Saudi Arabia and Iran) in US containment strategies against the Soviet Union in the 1970s up until last summer, when the administration of President George W Bush encouraged a disastrous proxy war with Hezbollah as a way of testing the weapons and tactics of Iran, Hezbollah’s main sponsor, in the event of a US attack.
Mearsheimer’s and Walt’s book is also naive. It assumes that US political and economic leaders, especially those close to the Bush administration, want to build peace and democracy in the Middle East, and that therefore supporting Israel’s occupation of Palestine hurts this cause. In reality, nothing could be further from the truth. As I showed in great detail in my last book, Why They Don’t Hate Us, and my new book on the Oslo peace process, An Impossible Peace: Oslo and the Burdens of History, the US has never supported democracy and peace in the region.
Instead, its strategic goals center on the perpetuation of continuous but manageable levels of conflict, punctuated every decade or so by major wars, as the way to ensure relatively high oil prices, control over key petroleum reserves or at least denying China uncontrolled access to them, a disproportionate level of arms spending across the region (by far the highest in the world, with the majority of funds spent on US weapons systems), and the continued survival of the authoritarian regimes that ensure the perpetuation of a system that has generated more than a trillion dollars in profits to US oil and arms companies just since September 11, 2001.
This pattern was made evident most recently by the announcement of a US$20 billion arms sale to the Saudis, which was naturally compensated for by a $30 billion sale to Israel (much of it paid to US arms companies by the US government in one of the largest corporate-welfare schemes in history, under the guise of “aid to Israel”) and at least $20 billion more to Egypt (much of that also in the form of aid paid directly to defense manufacturers) and other allies. That’s $70 billion for US weapons manufacturers in the next decade or so, just to keep the “balance of power” in the region.”
Americans need to stop blaming other people for their problems and mistakes and warmongering and learn to accept responsibility for their actions. To suggest that a tiny country of a few million that is 10,000 miles away is controlling the actions of a mighty superpower of over 300 million is beyond ludicrous. One can only feel sorry for the bigots who buy into this Christian propaganda. As the article states:
“The authors have it wrong: it’s not Americans who are suffering from undue influence of the Jewish lobby; it’s Israelis and Palestinians along with Iraqis and the citizens of most every country of the region, and now the families of US servicemen and women deployed in the conflict zones of the “arc of instability” in the Middle East and Central Asia, who are suffering so that some of the most powerful and wealthy corporations in world history can continue to reap hundreds of billions of dollars in profits without anyone questioning why this system continues and whose interests it actually benefits.
One thing is for sure: aside from the “Jewish lobby” (for whom the book is a godsend of a fundraising tool), the two groups most happy about the publication of book are the oil and arms lobbies, unquestionably the most powerful, and invisible, lobbies in the United States.”
All this bigotry on the left is accomplishing is driving American Jews away from the Democrats. I’m a very progressive American Jew, who has always, always supported the Democrats. I’ll be abstaining in 2008, because I don’t want to associate with anti-Semites. Keep up the good work, the Republicans love what you’re doing.
We have heard of these scare propaganda tactics before, especially that American Jews will leave the Democratic party in droves. So who did they vote for in 2004 and 2006? Only right wing Republicans are repeating these lines hoping for a self-fulfilling prophecy that will never eventuate.
Mearsheimer and Walt are experts in this area and only a fool would dismiss their contentions, or a propagandist like Abe Foxman cry anti-Semitism. In fact, what it amounts to is a transfer of the old claim: criticism of Israel is antiSemitic, to the claim: criticism of the Israel lobby or AIPAC is antiSemitic. That Left wing American Jews have been at the forefront of lambasting AIPAC seems to diminish such nonsense. In fact, they know that Mearsheimer and Walt’s view, also not good for Israel, is truthful and obvious. Only right wing Zionists who support the Greater Israel Dream would not agree.
Hence, your post. I would suggest that you do not vote Democratic in the next election and that you get yourself back to where you belong, Little Green Footballs, whose views are similar to yours, as quick as you can.
The original commenter makes a valid point. Are things really so one sided? Hasn’t the US been pursuing its own goals while AIPAC etc does the same? It’s not exactly a case of the US being led blindly down the garden path.
The guy calls criticism of the Israel lobby “Christian propaganda”, twice. He is a lunatic.
Valid point? That a lobby with a singular commitment is more likely to be successful? What lobby doesn’t have a singular agenda?
I am more concerned about the timidity and fear expressed by our representatives in Congress at the power of the Israel Lobby to undermine their electability if they do not conform, i.e., vote for Israel’s best interests as the entire House practically did when they enacted HR 3077, which, somehow, was intended to diminish criticism of Israel on America’s college campuses, an effort led by the McCarthyite org Campus Watch led by Daniel Pipes. AIPAC led the way on this legislation.
Imagine, attempting to suppress knowledge on college campuses.
Other legislation has also passed with AIPAC influence or threats like the AntiPalestinian Terrorist Act.
Believe what you will, but these authors have credentials and no amount of proright wing Israeli propaganda is going to stop them from speaking the truth. We have had enough!
Question: Do you believe that the US has pursued its own goals vis a vis Israel during the time that AIPAC has acted on its own behalf?
My above comment was addressed only to this point and I offer no support for the remainder of the original commenter’s arguments.
The other side, of course, is Big Oil, which allegedly claims to desire Iran’s oil and gas reserves. I personally don’t know what the power of the energy lobby is in Congress, but I would have to guess that it is considerably less than AIPAC’s, as it continually runs up against obstacles in opening up oil and gas reserves in environmentally sensitive areas, like Alaska, in the US.
Big Oil interests, however, do not exclude other lobbies working toward common goals, or using each other to achieve such goals.
Big oil “desires” everybody’s oil reserves. I’ve read that the oil companies are not backing an attack on Iran. As I said parenthetically in my previous post, everyone understands that the US can’t occupy Iran, which it would need to do to get control over Iran’s oil, the way it can (unsuccessfully) occupy Iraq.
The day’s of the US controlling Iran’s oil, as it did after it installed the Shah and toppled the democratically elected president, are over, and everybody knows that. The only thing the US can do is bomb Iran to destroy its military and infrastructure, the way Israel bombed southern Lebanon last summer.
Good point. Besides, isn’t it also true that China signed a 100 billion dollar deal with Iran for future supplies of oil and perhaps gas?
So what does the US get out of an attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities?
A main part of Mearsheimer and Walt’s argument is that the US often acts against its own interests in the Middle East, and that that it does so largely because of the activities of the Israel lobby. I believe they are correct, and probably so does anyone who looks favorably on their paper and/or recent book, because that is a main part of their argument.
Have you read either version of their 2006 paper? They give many examples of how the US acts against its own interests, in the (erroneously perceived) interests of Israel.
It’s interesting that reports have recently come out that the Israeli government was against the US-UK invasion of Iraq. Whether that is the case or not, I believe that unlike that invasion, no argument can be made for why bombing Iran is in the US’s self-interest. (The US can occupy Iraq, if unsuccessfully, and thus can hope to control Iraq’s oil; Iran is too populous for the US ever to be able to occupy it.)
Israel has long wanted there to be no significant military powers in the region other than itself and US client regimes like Saudi Arabia. Thus, destroying the Iranian military, which is the objective of the planned US attack, fits neatly into Israel’s long term agenda. Thus, the Israel lobby is the sole reason for the impending US attack on Iran. Do you disagree with that, or even think that it is an exaggeration?
A US attack on Iran would be conclusive proof, if any more were needed, that the main influence on US Middle East policy is the Israel lobby, as opposed to the normal main influence on US foreign policy, namely, the US foreign policy elite.
Hey Shergald! I’m glad you posted that piece of news. I received it in my mail too.
In my post about the Walt & Mearsheimer book on my blog, I’ve put together various links that I found of interest (obviously!). Together they do give the scope of that most important book.
In no particular order then, here are those links:
The book itself.
From Mondoweiss
Lobbying for a foreign country
The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy
Singling out the “Israel Lobby” for discussion – [Via Antony Loewenstein]
Listen to Professor Walt’s interview
Mearsheimer, Walt and the Erudite Hysteria of David Remnick
Also Antiwar’s Justin Raimondo has a few thoughts … pending a full review that he’s working on.
Thanks FurGaia…
When you come to understand that we, unknowlingly as Americans, are complicit in an ongoing human rights injustice that everyday takes lives, information comes to be one of the most important elements in counteracting it.
Best to you.