Progress Pond

No End In Sight

Elly and I finally got to see Charles Ferguson’s exceptional documentary “No End In Sight” at the Shepherdstown Opera House this evening, and the only thing I could say when I was leaving the theatre was what a stupid man George W. Bush is.

What is amazing is how impartial the documentary was,,, not pushing for either the left or the right. What it did was show how people in power made amazingly poor decisions and got us into a war that could have ended well at several points… and didn’t.

As one of the interviewees said there were one or two correct things they could have done in invading and occupying Iraq and at least 500 mistakes — but they didn’t realize they’d make all 500 first before doing anything that was correct.

A number of people who were involved, both from Bush’s administration group and from the press, the Iraqi political scene, and the ground-level military, give eye witness accounts and discuss what they did or didn’t do and if, after the fact, it had been a mistake. Noticeable, of course, is the number of insiders who did not participate when asked: Powell, Rumsfeld, Cheney, Rice, Bremer, etc.

But the thing that stands out is how “The Decider” made his decisions without reading anything, even though his advisors and inner circle worked hours distilling volumes on consequences down to single, understandable pages.

Stupid, stupid, stupid…

It’s a good documentary but it just makes me mad.   Go see it.

Under The LobsterScope

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