Welcome back.

This week we’ll be taking a one week diversion from our Grand Canyon painting, to which we will regurn next week.  I recently returned from a trip out west which included a few days in Sedona, Arizona.  Once again, I brought along a small 5×4 canvas.  Once again, I would be using acrylics.

I attempted to paint the same scene as last year, the view from my hotel room.  It wasn’t working for me.  I painted over those initial brushstrokes and started again.  This time I began to paint one of the well known local buttes, Courthouse Butte.  And so began a painting with a frustration factor far outpacing its tiny size.

While I was happy with my painting of the butte itself, the foreground proved to be a problem.  It has actually gone through several generations/versions.  Finally I decided that less is more and painted the 4 plants seen in the photo below with a textured green area to the left side.

As to that sky, not particularly well represented in the photo below, I was quite pleased.  At least with the first version.  Unfortunately, I tried an experiment with it and the result was ruin.  It was painted over several times since then, finally morphing into what is seen below, a faint shadow of its original incarnation.

And here it is for all to see.  (Yes, we show life’s high and low points here at Painting Palooza.)

That’s all for now.  I’ll see you next week with the next phase of our Grand Canyon painting.

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