an idle thought: what if the true reason for this saber-rattling towards iran is to keep the price of oil at its record level?
the elevated price which started with the runup to invading iraq has benefitted all oil producers, including relevant u.s states like texas, oklahoma and louisiana. for countries like russia, mexico and nigeria and certain american states the iraq war has been a godsend.

it should be noted that everytime the price goes down the “attack iran” rhetoric heats up and the oil price with it.

but how does this inflated price benefit the u.s, excepting its oil producing states?

and how does it benefit the overwhelming majority of  nations that are oil consumers and must contend with this heightened oil price, but yet are completely silent on this issue?

a question never asked.

an additional thought: could it be that keeping iraqi oil OFF the market and hampering iranian oil development is the real objective?

if sanctions against iraq had been lifted iraq would have flooded the market with oil at a time when the  price was around $15 – $20 per barrel, thereby lowering the price even further.

if the war ended tomorrow and america normalized relations with iran the oil price will plummet as both iran and iraq would eventually sell as much as possible as quickly as possible.

somehow the present price of oil is related to the current functioning of the world’s economy.

but how?