The Republicans who have made sure that no vote in the Senate reaches 60 if the issue is the real concerns of the American people for their children fighting in Iraq are spending this weekend smiling at themselves in mirrors or at each other over drinks and cigars. My question is what are they smiling about?

What is John Warner saying to himself, as former Secretary of the Navy, when another former Secretary of the Navy tried to get soldiers an equal amount of time off for the time they spend on constant alert. Knowing we used to allow 2 times the months of active service for rest and retraining, and knowing that other countries do that too, what do 15 months on and 9 months off, how does that man absolve himself of the breach of a promise only the week before?

What does Lindsay Graham, ever so concerned with the legal aspects of service to our country, feel when our men in uniform barely have time to have those uniforms cleaned and pressed before they turn around and go back on third or fourth assignments to Baghdad?

Yes, many of them are retiring before the next election… hopefully to be replaced by thoughtful Democrats who are currently listening to the country’s calls for humane service lengths. Before they settle into retirement with their Federal pensions and other benefits, perhaps they will remember how many weeks they served in Washington compared to how many weeks of vacation they had.

I hope they have a nice weekend after sticking it to the boys with those big grins on their faces.

Under The LobsterScope