The 110th Congress has been a huge disappointment to me.  I never expected much, to be entirely fair.  I did expect that the Democrats would put up bills, which Bush would then veto.  

I had forgotten about the filibuster, but then again, I never expected the Repukeliscum to be as brazenly dismissive of 200 years of precedent.

Glenn Greenwald’s column about Dianne Feinstein is a wonderful example of the crap that the Democratic Senate is serving up to us.  She pretends to be a Democrat, but supports Bush up and down the line.  She is not a DINO.  She is a FIDC – a Fascist In Democratic Clothing.  Every nauseating Bush bill that has come down restricting our liberties and our American values has been eagerly embraced by this FIDC.  Where is the Democrat in her background?
At this point, the Democraticly-run Congress has been a failure.  We must grow them a spine.

At this point, they think that we are so desperate for a Democratic congress that we will just accept this pale worm of a Congress.

I am no longer willing to put up with this shit.  I want action. I want toughness.  I want Democrats as tough and nasty as the Repukeliscum, but tough in support of our issues.

I am considered a cash machine by the Democrats.  I get emails.  I get phone calls.  I don’t give a huge amount, but I have probably given in the high 3 figures over the last 2-3 years.  I am not gonna give money to get results like the ones I am seeing now.

What is to be done?  STRIKE!!

I call for a national moratorium in contributions to the DSCC and DCCC in the week Oct 1-Oct 7.

I call for a letter to each representative and Senator during that period of Oct 1-Oct 7.