You want to know what the GOP is selling, in a nutshell?
As Rudolph W. Giuliani campaigns for president, he rarely misses a chance to warn about the threat from terrorists. “They hate you,” he told a woman at an Atlanta college. They “want to kill us,” he told guests at a Virginia luncheon.
They’re selling fear. They should be selling Depends Adult Undergarments. They literally are relying on the American electorate to abandon all reason and just shit their pants.
That really stinks.
You`ll be seeing a lot of “a wide stance”,
By those with a load in their pants.
Then there`s that whole crowd of bedwetters,
That send other`s kids to be bloodletters.
The result of the monkeyman`s choices,
Yes, the guy that hears the lord`s voices.
Will be thousands of dead,
Piled high on his head,
While VP Darth Vader rejoices.
No news here. Abandoning reason and shitting in pants is what Bush has been selling for the past six years. Rudy’s not breaking any new ground, he’s just riding the wave.
The tragedy is that it works. The same bullshit used against Iraq is now employed against Iran and most of us pampered, spoiled, ignorant Americans continue to swallow it whole.
“pampered, spoiled, ignorant Americans”
In a post titled “bedwetters” this is a perfect metaphor.
Anybody got Rudy’s mailing address!
why are you all picking on depends wearers? Not a big enough voting block?
Seriously though- whenever I hear these gooper bastards preach fear two things come immediately come to my aging mind:
Stephen Douglass in Wall Street- The GREED speech.
FDR— The fear is fear itself speech.
And in both cases- they were absolutely right!
After thought- The common threat and probaly the greatest threat we face now is the destruction of a truly free press! Ponder
I wonder what happened to the idea that when a president(or would be president)speaks they are supposed to lift us up and help make us collectively better, give us hope..this kind of crap is so incredibly childish and self defeating and dangerous also. ‘They’ want to kill you…’they’ being who exactly?…anyone who looks different from you …and then hate crimes and killing increase against the ‘they’ that are here..Giuliani is really going all out to be the biggest baddest fearmonger in the race isn’t he.