Crossposted from Left Toon Lane, Bilerico Project & My Left Wing
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I have been reading a lot of translations of Ahmadinejad’s speeches and they parallel Bush’s speeches. I find it amazing the two can both be so disconnected from reality or skilled in propaganda.
Maybe they have the same strategist? Maybe Karl Rove is lending Mahmoud a helping hand? Seriously, Bush has made America more like Iran than any Iranian ever could.
Heh! Right on. They DO sound an awful lot alike, don’t they….
And from what I hear (not from the corporate media, naturally), they both have about the same kind of support at home too…. ie, many Iranians think their president is batshit crazy too.
The running of a Holocaust miniseries on Iranian TV suggests that the mullahs appreciate that Ahmadinejad is a fuck up of the worst kind. But to suggest that Iran has a wrong attitude toward Israel, as supporters of the Palestinian quest for justice and self-determination, after 40 years of military occupation and colonization of their lands, broadcast daily on Iranian TV, as well as the rest of the world except the USA, is naive.
Where have you been? Snookered by censorship and propaganda?
Sorry. This was in response to a blogger on the Cartoon site.