Let me speak plainly. Roughly half of all Americans think President Bush should be impeached. And more than half think Dick Cheney should be impeached. Congress does nothing. And some college newspaper writer in Colorado gets frustrated and publishes an editorial that says, in part, “Fuck Bush”. Big deal, right?

FORT COLLINS — Colorado State University’s student newspaper is dealing with fallout for using a four-letter word in an editorial on President Bush.

The Coloradoan reports that the Rocky Mountain Collegian has lost $30,000 in advertising and had to cut student employee pay and other budgets by ten percent.

Editor-in-Chief J. David McSwane says the newspaper’s advisers had no idea it planned to run the editorial Friday.

The time for deference to the office of the President has long since passed. And, yet, it costs a little college newspaper $30,000 just to point that out.